Nine Police Officers Arrest Unarmed Black Teen After 'Jaywalking'

The video is worse than you imagined. NSFW language.

When a sixteen year old teen crossed the street to get on his bus, a cop lost his mind. He decided he was jaywalking and commanded him to stop. What ensued is a hell of a lot more dramatic than you'd imagine.

A teenager has been detained with the use of force and hit several times for what witnesses described as jaywalking in Stockton, California. The 16-year-old boy was charged with trespassing and resisting arrest.

Early Tuesday morning, the teen was walking near the city’s bus depot, when a Stockton Police officer saw him. The video of the interaction begins with the cop restraining the young man and then starting to beat him with the baton.

“It’s a f**cking kid!” someone in the group of onlookers keeps shouting as the situation unfolds.

“Get off him! He’s been jaywalking! Leave him alone, he didn’t do anything wrong!”

“Stop resisting!” the cop shouts, not paying any attention.

Really Stockton, you needed nine officers to detain one unarmed Black teen for jaywalking? That gives new meaning to the word overkill.

The Stockton PD is known for use of excessive force. In January, they killed a man who was wielding a hammer, when the situation could have been deescalated by another means, such as a taser. In June, they savagely beat a man who was restrained. Unfortunately, these incidents don't look like they're going to end anytime soon, with the Blue Lives Matter/All Lives Matter canard.

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