Trump Booed For Calling Rubio A Clown At 'Values Voters' Summit
It seems "The Donald" is not the favored candidate at this year's little wingnut festival known as the "Values Voters" Summit.
It seems The Donald is not the favored candidate at this year's little not so aptly named wingnut festival known as the "Values Voters" Summit, hosted by Tony Perkins and his ilk. The only thing these people actually "value" is spreading hatred and bigotry and doing their best to make sure the lemmings who attend these things continue to vote against their own financial interests if they're not lucky enough to be born with a silver spoon in their mouth like Trump.
They weren't too happy with Trump when he called his fellow 2016 GOP presidential contender, Marco Rubio a "clown." I have to wonder if and when Trump is finally going to start wearing as thin with many on the right as he has with those of us who are sick to death of looking at and listening to him on the left. He's worn out his welcome with me a long, long time ago.
Donald Trump Gets Booed After Knocking Marco Rubio:
GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump drew boos from a heavily supportive conservative crowd on Friday after going after opponent and Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.).
"You have this clown Marco Rubio," he said at the Values Voter Summit in Washington, D.C., before being interrupted by the crowd.
Trump pushed forward, adding a backhanded compliment to Rubio for being true to himself on immigration -- an issue in which there is "nobody weaker," according to the business mogul.
"He's in favor of immigration and he has been -- he has been with the gang of eight and you remember the gang of eight. It was terrible," Trump said, referring to the comprehensive immigration reform bill Rubio helped draft but has since backed away from.
"And then he went down in the polls," Trump continued. "And you have to say, you know what, if you believe in something you have to be true to yourself. You have to be."
Trump has ramped up his criticism of Rubio recently, although his aides deny that the candidate feels threatened.
"He doesn't think about Marco Rubio. Marco Rubio doesn't mean anything to him," Trump executive vice president Michael Cohen said earlier Friday on CNN's "New Day."
He can deny it all he wants, but he probably sees the writing on the wall like a lot of us. The media and the GOP establishment would both love to see old Big Gulp as the GOP frontrunner and are hoping he keeps his mouth shut and slides on in there by not making any mistakes, but not saying much either.
The sad state of affairs is that even if Trump goes down, there's not a one among the lot of them running on the Republicans' side that's not just as bad when it comes to policy positions, if not worse, than Trump. About the only thing we might find ourselves grateful to Trump later for is picking off, one by one, some of the worst of the lot, whether that was his intention or not.