Trump Goes To Fox And Friends To Defend Anti-Muslim Remarks

He's also bitter that President Obama won't defend him from being the butt of Emmy Awards jokes.

The Fox pals on the curvy couch were elated that, once again, Donald Trump is gracing their show with some of his 'wisdom' on a Monday morning. Naturally, Fox 'News' wants to hear from their ratings king and this is a good chance to explain why everyone should keep plenty of Islamophobia close at hand.

The first item of business is denigrating Carly Fiorina. Surprisingly, many people on the Left agree with Trump on this subject. He explained her disastrous reign at HP, where they are still trying to recover from her tenure at the company. He also mentioned her abysmal performance in the 2010 California Senate Election where she lost overwhelmingly to Barbara Boxer. He predicts that she should fall fairly quickly upon closer scrutiny of her record in business, and his assumption should stand, if the GOP was concerned with reality. Who knows what's to come with Carly?

Next they discussed the possibility of Trump, one day, not being the front-runner in the GOP field. Currently, this is the way the field looks, according to an NBC poll.

Credit: Fox and Friends

Brian Kilmeade asks him if he could handle a drop in the polls 'emotionally.' He says he will take it all in stride and some day, if it's not in the cards, he'll go back to having a good life, enjoying his family and children. He took this as an opportunity to mention some of his big crowds, like the Mavericks' Arena and a crowd in Mobile, Alabama that totaled 31,000 people. He reminded everyone that his campaign is, at least currently, self-funded and he takes no money from special interests.

With regards to Dr. Ben Carson's remarks on Meet The Press where he said that 'no Muslim should hold the office of President of the United States,' Trump said that he should embrace the controversy, which it seems that he has already. Donald Trump feels that Ben Carson has a right to express his opinion, and of course, he doesn't see anything wrong with his disregard for Article Six of the Constitution, which states that there should be no religious test required to hold the office of POTUS. Trump said, on Sunday Morning GOP TV,

"Some people have said it already happened, frankly, but of course you won't agree with that."

The audience member at the Town Hall in New Hampshire was addressed next. The insanity of the question was dismissed by Donald, who said,

'many audience members were nodding in agreement with the guy, who was wearing a lovely Trump t-shirt,'

and, who he insists was NOT a plant. He explains that he doesn't have a moral obligation to defend the President, who holds the exact office he is seeking. He mentioned that President Obama would not be defending him from the Emmy jokes made at his expense.

Finally, the topic was who has defended President Obama from the obnoxious hypothesis put out by the 2008 Clinton Campaign for POTUS, the original birther controversy. I have to agree with Donald on this one, but thankfully, Clinton has evolved from this low period in her history, unlike any evolution-denying Republican. After that commonality, no logical person could concur with anything he said after that. He went on about the 'email scandal,' the charges against General Petraeus, and finally, her delicate emotional state where 'she gets SO upset.' Remember kids, it's not just xenophobia, Islamophobia and birtherism that he espouses, he's also, first and foremost, a misogynist. In other words, he's a Republican.

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