The Truth About Planned Parenthood
Planned Parenthood is under attack, especially after the release of videos that implied they were "selling baby parts." Turns out, that isn't the real story. But it's inspired a ton of conversation and a lot of misinformation. The #TryToCare crew tries to clear things up!
Planned Parenthood has been under pretty serious attack over the last few months. Presidential candidates are threatening to defund it (Jeb Bush, Ted Cruz, Carly Fiorina, Ben Carson, Chris Christie etc.), others are spreading lies about it and a series of undercover videos don't make things look very good. (Even though everything was legal.) But what are the videos really about and how much does Planned Parenthood participate in abortions? Turns out, not much at all. In fact, it accounts for just 3% of services. So to those who are trying to control the vag, get out! The #TryToCare crew breaks it down and tells it like it is. Do you agree with Jackie Koppell, Jay Michel, Becca Frucht and Tehran Von Ghasri? Tell us in the comments below. Please subscribe at!