When We Said Fall, We Didn’t Mean Your Pants
When you point the finger at someone else, you still got four fingers pointing back at you!
Well my goodness, it’s uptight Republican sex week.
In Minnesota, two Republican lawmakers were caught making out in the public park. Well, making out isn’t exactly right.
They were at second base when a policeman found them.
It says, “Was making out with female in car. When I approached the car the female’s pants were unzipped and pulled down.”
State representatives Tim Kelly and Tara Mack deny they were doing the nasty.
Kelly said he met with Mack on his way through town to pick up some documents regarding an Owatonna-based health plan.
However, the sheriff is standing by his deputy.
Leslie said the deputy was simply enforcing the county ordinance in a well-trafficked park.“We have families and children running around, so we just want to have some decorum there,” he said Tuesday afternoon.
And then there’s old coot stuff.
Aladamnbama Governor, 72-year-old Robert Bentley, who is mouth drooling anti-gay, found some Viagra and got caught by his wife of 50 years sparkin’ with a 42-year-old married mother of three.
The 72-year-old Bentley, a Republican serving in his second term, repeatedly has touted his Christian faith and conservative “family values” to attract voters. He long has served as a deacon at First Baptist Church of Tuscaloosa. Bentley made national headlines in 2011 when, shortly after his inauguration, he said, “”Anybody here today who has not accepted Jesus Christ as their savior, I’m telling you, you’re not my brother and you’re not my sister. And I want to be your brother.”
And by brother, he meant lover.
Somebody stick a fork in him. He's done.