Andrea Mitchell Corrects GOP Rep's Clinton E-Mail Lies

Andrea Mitchell attempted to commit something resembling an act of journalism on this Sunday's Meet the Press, only to be cut off at the knees by host Chuck Todd.

Andrea Mitchell attempted to commit something resembling an act of journalism on this Sunday's Meet the Press, only to be cut off at the knees by host Chuck Todd. After first treating his audience to right wing hack Ron Fournier serving up a heaping helping of "both siderism" over the ongoing Benghazi witch hunt and Hillary Clinton's emails, Rep. Mike Pompeo made this ridiculous claim, which was quickly shot down by Mrs. Greenspan:

ANDREA MITCHELL: Why, then, do you call Sid Blumenthal and Huma Abedin and all of these other personal aides and non-aides? Why have you focused so much on e-mails and not on the central question of why was the security failure at that consulate?

REP. MIKE POMPEO (R-KS): Well, we have focused on the central failure. We have focused on the security issues, and we will continue. You'll see lots of questions about that on Thursday. But let me speak to Mr. Blumenthal. It goes directly to the security issue. We see now that former secretary [Clinton] relied on Mr. Blumenthal for most of her intelligence. That is she was relying --

MITCHELL: That is factually not correct.

POMPEO: No, it is absolutely factually correct.

MITCHELL: Relied on Mr. Blumenthal for most of her intelligence?

POMPEO: Ms. Mitchell, take a look at the e-mails trails and you will see --

MITCHELL: I cover the State Department. That is just factually not correct and I've been as tough on this issue as anyone.

POMPEO: We just have a factual disagreement.

Sorry Mike, but it's not a "factual disagreement." It's called a lie. Before Andrea Mitchell could get another word in, Chuck Todd cut her off and made sure that their "Republican strategist" on the panel, Alex Castellanos, got a chance to chime in as well.

TODD: Alex, quickly, jump in.

CASTELLANOS: Since this is about Benghazi and the poor lives that were lost under Hillary Clinton's watch, what should she have done to prevent the loss of those four lives? What should she have done before and when they actually were threatened, should she have done more?

Which has been rehashed over and over again during the countless hearings we've had already on Benghazi. Rep. Schiff was correct that all of the leaks we've seen coming from the committee are designed to do one thing, and that's drive down her poll numbers.

Unfortunately for Clinton, the Republicans are getting a lot of help from the likes of Todd and his colleagues, and segments like this one. Schiff did a decent job defending her and Mitchell had her moments, but they were outnumbered by the GOP and their shills on the right who are happy to continue to politicize the tragic event that happened at our consulate in Libya.

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