The Beltway Media Has ALWAYS Been At War With Sisterf*ck Arkansas

Now that the GOP has exceeded the Wingnut Schwarzschild Radius and begun imploding so hard that even the Beltway press has noticed, the inevitable redaction and revision of years of inconvenient Beltway wingnut coddling begun.

Credit: driftglass

Now that the GOP has exceeded the Wingnut Schwarzschild Radius and begun imploding so hard that even the Beltway press has noticed, the inevitable redaction and revision of years of inconvenient Beltway wingnut coddling begun. Brad DeLong has gathered a long and lovely Twitter exchange here in which Mr. DeLong and Eric Bohlert just pistol-whip the daylights out of a WaPo flak who is frantically trying to pretend that WaPo had been all over the breakdown of the Right all along.

You should go definitely check it out.

But from Brad's longer piece I wanted to embed this particular selection from blog-favorite Norman Ornstein because it is so, well, delicious:

However, before you go popping any corks, if you had any notion that mere overwhelming reality would cause the Beltway to abandon its highly lucrative cult of Both Siderism,

  1. You have obviously not been paying attention to America in the 21st Century (See: "Accomplished, Mission" and,
  2. Chris Matthews has four words for you: Not! On! My! Watch!

(The Both Siderist happy-horseshit starts at around the 4:30 mark.)

Crossposted at driftglass.blogspot.com

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