Bill O'Reilly Wants All You Lazy Moochers To Vote For A Tax Cutting Republican, Or Else
Fox's Bill O'Reilly continued to pretend that history began on the day that President Obama got elected during his Talking Points Memo this Tuesday night.
I know we're all used to Fox's Bill O'Reilly being completely full of crap and doing his best to revise history during his so-called "Talking Points Memos" that he opens his show with every night.
This Tuesday was no exception, with Bill-O lying about everything from what the Democratic party's actual stance is on job creation, and the fact that it includes doing everything possible to promote job creation in the private sector -- even if it means something as extreme as what we saw under President Obama with the auto bailout, where he did what he had to in order to keep an entire sector of our economy from collapsing -- to who is to blame for the slow economic recovery since President Obama was elected, to pretending that more tax cuts and trickle down economics are the solutions to our economic woes.
Here's transcript from Bill-O's blog: Shocking Reports About Your Money:
There is no other way to put it. The American economy is a mess.
According to the Social Security Administration, 51% of all wage earners in the USA made less than $30,000 in 2014.
That number does not take into account those who are not working.
Nearly 40% of Americans eligible to work are not – the lowest percentage of workers since 1977.
Median income in America, which means half of us make more and half make less, now stands at about $54,000 a year.
That is 3% lower than it was when Barack Obama was elected president in 2008.
On the president's watch, median household income has declined by about $1,600.
White households make just over $60,000 a year.
Hispanics – $42,500.
Black – $35,400.
Black unemployment now stands at 9.2%. It was 12.6% when the president took office.
White unemployment is 4.4%.
Never mind that our economy was in free fall when President Obama took office thanks to Bush, or that Republicans have done everything in their power to block legislation what would help Americans get back to work or aid in our economic recovery. Please proceed Bill-O.
There is no question that American workers are being pounded, so it would seem that the Democrats would have little chance of winning the presidency in 2016.
But of course that is not the case.
It looks like the election will be very close depending on whom the Republicans select as their candidate.
The reason the American economy is flat-out bad is that we the people don't have enough money to spend.
If the 2016 presidential campaign is close, it's going to be due to at least in part to you and your ilk having misinformed the voters and doing your best to insure that there are almost half of them that will vote against their own economic interests because they're worked into a frenzy over some nonsense, or some distorted version of the truth and who is actually responsible for their own economic problems that you've been pumping onto their airways day after day and week after week.
Salaries are low because the private sector is not creating enough good jobs.
Democrats will tell you the government can provide those jobs, but that is not true.
Democrats don't say this. No one on the Democratic side of the aisle tells anyone that government is the only place we should create jobs. O'Reilly is just making shit up at this point. And salaries are low because corporate America is in a race to the bottom on wages and benefits, and union membership is at an all time low in this country.
Private industry was hit hard by Obamacare.
Many small companies cut back hours and did not expand.
Obamacare premiums will rise about seven percent next year and 80% of those enrolled in the Obamacare system are being subsidized by the taxpayers.
It is clear the social welfare state is not benefiting working Americans who remain under tremendous downward earning pressure.
Same thing happened when Jimmy Carter was president in the late 1970s.
That's one of the reasons Ronald Reagan was elected. Mr. Reagan did cut taxes, especially on business, and the economy rebounded in the mid-1980s.
As Yogi Berra might say, it's deja vu all over again.
Here we go with the trickle down economics bull crap, and the demonization of Jimmy Carter. And O'Reilly is lying about those premiums here as well.
Now if you are making less than $30,000 a year, you are essentially a poor person grinding it out.
You know that.
Times are tough.
So if you are healthy, you have to do something and not rely on government. You have to be self-reliant.
That means you might have to go back to school learn computers or drive an Uber car. That's a growing industry where you can make some solid money.
You might have to move. There are areas of the country that are booming, especially in the service industry.
In Florida and Texas, there are jobs and no state tax.
But hear me well. If you are not making much money and you just sit there hoping that a political party will improve your life, you are a fool.
America is a competitive marketplace. If the next president does not cut business taxes, the economy will get worse.
So you, yourself, have to take some action.
And that's the memo.
So he basically wrapped things up by telling all the lazy moochers he despises to get their asses to work and now, and if they don't vote for more tax cuts for his rich buddies, our country and the economy are doomed.
Someone needs to tell Bill-O that we tried his suggestions about jobs and the economy under the Bush administration, and they failed miserably.