Birther King Trump: 'I Will Be A Great Unifier'

Racist birther king Donald Trump wants Americans to believe he's the one who will end the partisanship in Washington.

Racist birther king Donald Trump wants Americans to believe he's the one who will end the partisanship in Washington, which he of course blames on President Obama and Hillary Clinton.

From CNN: Trump: 'I will be a great unifier':

Donald Trump believes he will "absolutely" be a force for bipartisanship, but in an interview this weekend neither Republicans nor Democrats escaped a barrage of attacks from the GOP presidential candidate.

Trump flung criticism at politicians spanning the spectrum from presidential primary opponents Jeb Bush and Ben Carson to the Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton and the man he hopes to succeed, President Barack Obama, in an interview with CNN's Jake Tapper that aired Sunday on "State of the Union."

And he lamented the House Select Committee on Benghazi's questioning of Clinton, a hearing he called "very partisan" that "hurts both parties" and "hurts the country."

"The level of hatred between Republicans and Democrats was unbelievable. The level of -- I've never seen anything like it," Trump said. "I'm going to unify. This country is totally divided. Barack Obama has divided this country unbelievably. And it's all, it's all hatred, what can I tell you. I've never seen anything like it...I've gotten along with Democrats and I've gotten along with Republicans. And I said, that's a good thing."

Tapper asked Trump if his presidency would result in an era of bipartisanship.

"I absolutely think so," he said, adding, "I will be a great unifier for our country."

While Clinton has taken flak for what she's described as a tongue-in-cheek statement that the enemies she's most proud of having are Republicans, Trump said he doesn't consider Clinton an enemy -- simply, "an opponent."

Still, for all the talk of bipartisanship and unity, Trump did not pull punches as he vigorously took on his opponents.

By "took on" I assume they mean telling more lies about what happened in Libya, unchallenged by Jake Tapper, and going after Clinton again for her vote authorizing the use of military force in Iraq.

The only people Trump has "unified" are all of the xenophobic, racist and sexist Teahadists in the GOP base. The rest of the country, not so much.

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