Black Captain America Freaks Out Fox & Friends: His New Mission Is To 'Target Conservatives'

The hosts of Fox & Friends asserted over the weekend that Marvel's Captain America had declared war on conservatives because a recent comic book story line had the superhero battling white supremacists.

The hosts of Fox & Friends asserted over the weekend that Marvel's Captain America had declared war on conservatives because a recent comic book story line had the superhero battling white supremacists.

Conservative websites expressed outrage last week after a video released by the right-leaning MacIver Institute think tank suggested that Captain America's latest villainous threat, Sons of the Serpent, represented real life conservatives who oppose Hispanic immigrants.

A Fox & Friends segment on Saturday warned that Captain America's new mission was to "target conservatives."

"He's got a new odd enemy," Fox News host Clayton Morris reported, noting that Captain America was now a black man. "Instead of going against Hydra and the typical Captain America villains, he's going up against conservatives. That's his new enemy."

Tucker Carlson argued that Islamic extremists or ISIS members would have been more appropriate enemies.

"The [Supreme Serpent] is an American who has misgivings about unlimited illegal immigration and the costs associated with it," Carlson said. "And that, according to the comic book, is evil."

"Right, so these serpents are stopping people from coming over the border and Captain America is saying, 'That's not going to happen on my watch, I'm Captain America,'" Morris agreed. "An interesting discussion around the idea of [immigrants bringing] disease and rapists and everything else."

Carlson declared that Marvel was portraying average Americans as "snake-handling bigots and they need to be held in place or else they'll turn this country into Nazi Germany. It's like, the people who run this country, a lot of them actually believe that. I live near them. They really think that."

"They should do a comic book on the opposite," co-host Health Childers offered. "The people who are working the border to keep us safe."

Morris called for comic books to return to story lines like Captain America "punching Hitler in the face."

"And now the threat comes from ordinary Americans," Carlson lamented. "Probably some of you watching at home, they think you're dangerous."

"Keep politics out of comic books," Childers said.

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