Christians In America Are Treated Like Jews In Nazi Germany

Faith2Action's Janet Porter asserts that American Christians today are facing the same religious intolerance as Jews in Nazi Germany

Once again, the Religious Right is claiming that they are suffering from the violation of their First Amendment rights, in the same way the Jews were targeted in 1933 Germany. Janet Porter, the founder and president of Faith2Action told Alan Colmes on this week's Versus on that in the U.S, the social climate is very similar to Pre-World War 2 Germany, all because of the whole Kim Davis charade. She references this social proclamation by the Nazi Party:

On April 7, 1933, it dismissed all non-Aryans from civil service, including notaries and teachers in state schools. It was the first of 400 separate pieces of legislation … that defined, isolated, excluded, segregated, and impoverished German Jews.

She equates the fact that Davis was imprisoned, albeit briefly, for sticking to her religious convictions and violating the law. As an elected civil employee, Davis is required to uphold the law, do her job regardless of the front she puts forward, which is all for the benefit of her sanctimonious religious buddies. Porter mentions Bobby Jindal who said, 'he'd like 'the Left' to give us a list of jobs that Christians aren't allowed to have.' Janet Porter has been on a several decades long kick that claims that Christians are victims of discrimination and this SCOTUS ruling will impoverish hard working bakers and clerks.

The religious crusader believes that her prayers helped George W. Bush become President in 2000. No mention of any problem with the Supreme Court's ruling at that time. But this marriage equality business is an affront to God and she demands that SCOTUS re-hear the Obergefell case. It's no surprise that she is of the opinion that she can 'pray away the Gay Marriage Ruling.'

“If god can change the outcome of a presidential election…he can change the outcome of a Supreme Court ruling.”

This is a woman who is a bit prone to hyperbole and Alan tried in vain to have her reconsider the offensive comparison. He explains that her argument not only minimizes the suffering and tragedy of Holocaust victims, but it insults the memories of their living relatives who should rightfully be offended by her dramatic comparisons. She claims to be pro-Israel, which Colmes reminds her has nothing to do with the suffering of Jews in Germany 80 years ago.

This advocate for all the persecuted Christians in America really thinks that the road to another Holocaust is paved by America's homosexual advocates who force Christians to violate their beliefs. Porter claims that the laws now are 'strikingly familiar' to the 1933 and 1939 laws passed in Germany.

She truly believes that Kim Davis should never have been imprisoned, even if she took an oath to uphold the law. Alan's guest attempted to garner sympathy from Democrats by mentioning that Davis is a Democrat. Alan corrects her assertion, because she's since switched to the GOP. Colmes admits that there is no way there will be common ground reached between them, as it is hard to reason with paranoid Fundamentalists. She gets in a plug for her movie (Light Wins) before the interview ended, because paranoid persecution makes for great cinema.

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