Donald Trump Shares His Deep Thoughts On Refugees In The U.S.

They’re shipping 'em in; why can't we ship 'em out?

If Donald Trump ever becomes president, he’ll be so busy with his ethnic cleansing, it’s hard to see how he’ll ever have time for the economy or foreign policy or all the other things he promises to be so Awesomely Amazing at.

On top of deporting the 11 million (or more) people in the U.S. illegally and building a wall along the southern border (and getting Mexico to pay for it), Trump has a new group of people he wants to get rid of: the Middle East refugees. He revealed his “plan” on the Hannity show.

TRUMP: I’m watching this migration… and now we’re gonna start taking 200,000 people. We have no idea where they come from. They could be ISIS. It could be a plot. I mean, I don’t want to think in terms of conspiracy but it could be a plot.

…Whoever comes in, I’m putting ‘em on notice, we’re gonna ship ‘em out. The amazing thing is, somebody said to me today, “How can you possibly ship ‘em out? You can’t ship that many people out.” I said, “Well, they’re shipping ‘em in, why can’t we ship ‘em out?” I mean, it’s so ridiculous. They’re actually saying you can’t do it because it’s too many people.

Host Sean Hannity was enthusiastic, of course. “Yes we can, actually. We can.” He didn’t ask any pesky questions like, where would we send them? I don’t normally quote Bill O’Reilly but his explanation as to why Trump’s plan to deport the immigrants wouldn’t work seems applicable here, too: “If you wanted to deport the people already here, each and every one are entitled to due process and it would take decades to do that and gazillions of dollars and the courts would block you at every turn.”

Trump argued on Hannity that his plan would work because “Dwight Eisenhower moved a million people out.”

Trump was referring to “Operation Wetback.” Here’s what Fox News’ own Fox Latino had to say about it:

But as both the Huffington Post and later the Washington Post have pointed out, many historians have blasted the policy as derogatory and inhumane. In fact, many believe the numbers and success of the Eisenhower program are overstated.

This is how the Washington Post described the program: During the summer of 1955, this is where hundreds of thousands of Mexicans were “dumped” after being discovered as migrants who crossed the U.S.- Mexico border illegally. Unloaded from buses and trucks carrying several times their capacity, the deportees stumbled into the Mexicali streets with few possessions and noway (sic) of getting home. This was strategic: the more obscure the destination within the Mexican interior, the less opportunities they would have to return to America. But the tactic also proved to be dangerous, as the migrants were left without resources to survive.

Fox Latino left out of its excerpt that The Washington Post also noted that in Mexicali, where the "Operation Wetback" immigrants were dumped, temperatures can reach 125 degrees and "the heavy sun is relentless - and deadly."But Hannity didn’t offer any challenge or objection to Trump's plan.

Crossposted from Newshounds.us

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