An Easy Way To Help With Obamacare Enrollment In Florida

Florida has one of the largest number of deaths related to lack of healthcare. Let's make sure they have the information in this post and remind them to enroll.

With your help, we've taken on employee injustice at the Marriott Corporation and customer injustice at Wells Fargo. And won. Let's take on Florida next.


Republicans in Florida blocked its state exchange, so citizens without health care need to use the federal exchange at healthcare.gov -- and enrollment begins on November 1st.

Don't let your friends or relatives in Florida forget -- encourage them to make even a cursory attempt at finding out if it's a viable option for them.

Millions of Floridians still don't have health insurance. And a study by Families USA estimates than 290,000 American adults have died prematurely since 1995, the last time a health-care overhaul was debated. Florida's 24,400 premature deaths were the third highest, trailing only California (38,400) and Texas (32,200).

Even those who don't die directly from the lack of health coverage are, well, often unhealthier than those who do. And that can lead to a lower quality of life. When's the last time anybody enjoyed having bronchitis and missed a week of work because they couldn't afford treatment?

There are some good people in the Democratic Party trying to change this dynamic and make 2015 a record year for ACA sign-ups in their state. So tweet this, write to your friends, share it on Facebook or your blog, or forward this video.

The short video/PSA and YouTube page has all the info they need to contact a non-profit organization that will help them navigate and decide if and ACA plan is right for their life.

From Orlando Weekly

R.I.P. Charlene Dill

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