Everybody Hates Chris
Maybe his donors still love him, but not most people.

I won't rule Christie out yet, because he seems normal next to most of the other Republican candidates, and he's one of the best liars I've ever seen. But it looks like New Jerseyans have had enough:
NEW BRUNSWICK, N.J. – Even a potential hurricane last week could not give Gov. Chris Christie much of a boost in his home state, where voters continue to feel largely negative toward him and the job he is doing, according to the latest Rutgers-Eagleton Poll.
Thirty-five percent of New Jersey registered voters have a favorable opinion of Christie; while up five points from August, this is still the second lowest rating he has ever received. Likewise, while unfavorable ratings have improved by four points, 55 percent remain negative toward the governor. Voters in the Garden State have been consistently more unfavorable than favorable toward him since October 2014.
Similarly, Christie’s overall job approval is not significantly different from August when it hit bottom; 39 percent now approve (up two points), while 56 percent disapprove (down three points). A majority has consistently disapproved of the job Christie is doing since February 2015.
“Christie recently had a solid GOP debate performance and scored some major Iowa donors for his presidential campaign, but things have yet to significantly pick up for him back home,” said Ashley Koning, assistant director of the Eagleton Center for Public Interest Polling at Rutgers University. “Even with some small signs of improvement this month, the bipartisan popularity he touts on the campaign trail no longer exists in New Jersey. Christie has lost support among virtually all Democrats, a large number of independents, and even many within his own party.”
Christie fares no better on individual issues. His rating on the perennially top issue of taxes continues to fall – just 25 percent approve in this latest poll, while 66 percent disapprove.