Framing The Debate, MHP Edition
So much for that so-called "liberal media."
Here's a perfect example of how even what's left of our so-called "liberal" television shows may as well have been produced over on Fox "news." From this Saturday's Melissa Harris-Perry show on MSNBC, while discussing Hillary Clinton's Benghazi testimony, and running up against a hard break, her conservative guest, Alfonso Aguilar, the executive director of the Latino Partnership for Conservative Principles, did his best to run out the clock and filibuster the end of the segment while casting as many unfounded assertions about Clinton into the mix as he could manage to get in.
Frustrated with Aguilar for insinuating that Clinton might be prosecuted and his other mud flinging, and with host Harris-Perry's suggestion that the two of them could go "fight it out with light sabres" in the green room during the commercial break, his fellow panel member and Clinton supporter Karen Finney insisted that Aguilar's assertions should not be allowed to go unanswered, prompting Harris-Perry to promise that they'd consider having her back on after the break to do just that.
So guess who was the only panel member that did not come back for the next segment?
You've got it. Finney. Instead they switched topics to Paul Ryan's hypocrisy, insisting he wants some family time if he's going to accept the Speaker's position when he's voted against paid family leave for ordinary working people who aren't privileged enough to be in Ryan's position, and zero mention of what happened and why they didn't bring Finney back.
In fact, Aguilar was the only guest on there that she kept on for not just these two panels, but the entire show. I doubt t was Harris-Perry's decision not to bring Finney back on there. Her producers have a nasty habit of forcing her to contend with some overbearing, filibustering, lying conservative for her entire show, and this Saturday was no exception. It seems a liberal is not allowed to have their own show without some wingnut on there the entire time for "balance."
You can watch the mashup above with the end of the segment where Finney tries to call out Aguilar, but is stopped due to the hard break, the topic switch to Ryan, and the intro with the panel members who were allowed to come back.
h/t Nicole Belle