Huckabee Defends Israeli Apartheid, Decries Reality-Based Pundits

Huckabee is all for Israeli Apartheid. Then Kilmeade hits a nerve when he addresses his poll numbers.

The curvy couch at Fox and Friends had a substitute Doocy today: Pete Hegseth, known for his almost fatal launching of an axe, and he played the 'smart one' on Monday's show. Their guest, pretend Jesus enthusiast, friend of homophobic opportunist Kim Davis and father of a dog-torturing sociopath, Mike Huckabee, who wanted to show what an amazing Zionist cheerleader he is. As any good Rapturist knows, you must praise anything and everything about Israel to high heaven, so the Huckster set out to do just that. Palestinian economic desperation is never addressed, especially at Fox 'News.'

Recently, a wave of violence towards Israelis has made headlines, as Palestinians have been subjected to brutality that is very seldom reported by the MSM. You won't hear about the disproportionate number of casualties on the Palestinian side, only of the wounding or death of Israelis. Huckabee is more upset that President Obama won't call their desperate attacks terrorism. He brags about how he's flown in a helicopter the entire length of Israel, and he knows exactly what Israeli citizens and military are facing. Brian Kilmeade concluded the Israel subject by mocking the presence of Secretary Kerry with some sarcasm that he seemed very proud of:

'... and he always seems to solve all the problems, so I really have a lot of hope there.'

The Huckster's mood changed very drastically when Kilmeade changed the subject,

'Governor, let's talk about what you're doing. You want to be the next President of the United States and currently a lot of people were looking at the poll numbers and they don't look strong and your numbers don't look nearly as strong as last time around, so what is it going to take to turn things around, and would you say that it's correct to characterize that your campaign is on life support?

Angrily and very defensively, Huckabee replies,

'Well THAT's NONSENSE! You know, people who say that sit in their little buildings in Washington, and they're pundits, they look the windows and look at Manhattan. If they want to look at a campaign, come to Iowa, and look at the fact that every event I had last week had overflow crowds, we had people that couldn't even get in the room. (The room? Don't other candidates fill stadiums?) You know, I'm in a better place now than I was seven, uh eight years ago at this very same time. It, it just incenses me when people who have no idea what a campaign is about, pretend that, 'well Huckabee's campaign is on life support.'

You know if people want to support the campaign they can do it. But I get so just fed up and disgusted with pundits who don't have a clue what they're talking about. (becoming more unglued) They're so bright, they predicted Rudy Giuliani was the winner eight years ago; this time four years ago they were predicting it was going to be Rick Perry. Good luck with THAT pundits, you've done a great job always making the right pick.

The steam was coming out of his ears at this point, so the couch occupants thanked the Governor for his time and ended his rant.

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