I Want You Guys To See Something

Texas Congressvarmint Louie Gohmert says he’s a Baptist deacon and does not imbibe in alcohol. Let me show you why I doubt that.

Texas Congressvarmint Louie Gohmert says he’s a Baptist deacon and does not imbibe in alcohol.

Let me show you why I doubt that.

During the Planned Parenthood hearing, Gohmert could not for the life of him remember where he was. He, who is not on the Benghazi Committee, felt it was important to try to connect Planned Parenthood to Benghazi.

Click here for the C-Span show and then move the little dot at the bottom to 02.21.21 (Or watch the clip embedded above.)

You will hear Louie pitch a walleyed snot-nosed hissy damn fit with words that don’t make sense. He’s either drunk or insane. Pick one.

You had people meeting here in America, in Washington, while people were dying! While Ty Woods was gathering David Ubben and Glen Doherty and going to the rooftop to man guns to try to protect the people in those facilities. Yes, Benghazi was about politics! And I would love to know what the president was doing that night. … Apparently there was plenty of rest before he went to the fundraiser in Las Vegas the next day. Yes, my colleague is right: Benghazi was about politics! And we need to get to the bottom of why those four people were killed, while nobody in Washington that knew what was going on lifted a finger!

You’ll be able to see little spittle things forming at the corner of his mouth. And brains leaking out his ear.

Thanks to Mazie for the heads up.

Crossposted at juanitajean.com

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