Jeb! 'I Will Go After Clinton On The Emails'

Jebby Bush and the Couch Pillows can't grasp the civility and honesty of the Democratic debate.

Since his brother's wars were front and center on the stage at last night's, those fact-loving hosts on Fox and Friends thought it appropriate to ask Jeb! what he thought of the Democratic debate in Las Vegas. In order to hook the sensationalism-loving audience, Fox 'News' shows photos of Hillary Clinton embracing President Obama and likening her to a more frightening version of him. So now, it's time for Jeb's opinion on the night, and if you have heard G.O.P. talking points, you know his answers.

First of all, he couldn't fathom the civility on stage, where each candidate politely exchanged their thoughts without ad hominems and talks on actual issues that matter to the American people. Hasselbeck was floored by her praise of her former boss as were the two 'trained monkeys' next to her (h/t Bob and Chez). Brian Kilmeade asked the former Governor, if 'Hillary Clinton came out on top by adhering her to President Obama.' As predicted, he spoke of her doubling or tripling down on his failed economic policies (that have taken us out of the slump caused by W). He quickly shifted to foreign policy, which is a 'disaster.'

Elisabeth accused the Democrats of fighting with one hand tied behind their backs because they refused to give credence to any of the Clinton email non-scandal that the Republicans obsess over. Jeb couldn't grasp how Bernie Sanders could support her when he had the chance to attack her, because Senator Sanders respects the truth and the G.O.P. seems to favor hyperbolic lies or half truths. Regarding the emails, again, he said,

' I would have taken her to task for that. And if she wins the nomination and I win the nomination, trust me, this is not going to end.'

Somehow, Jebby, this time, I think everyone believes you. Steve Doocy was dumbfounded at Bernie's allegedly missed opportunity, actually sounding more uninformed than ever, which is significant. Of course, not one iota about the possibility the entire debacle is bullshit, because that's what fuels the G.O.P. along with the tears of the poor and oppressed. Jeb was surprised she wasn't throwing herself under the bus over the emails.

'She says this is the best that she could do and the best that she could do is not be forthcoming and truthful.'

No one brings up his email scandal and the fact that he is hardly considered forthcoming!

Nuclear proliferation, he agrees, is the biggest threat to security, not scientifically backed climate change, as Bernie asserted. He lamented that no one addressed ISIS, which his brother helped create by laying the foundation for mega-Islamic extremism to flourish. Predictably, no one was hawkish enough for him, not even Jim Webb, as it's obvious the Republicans want to entangle us in more wars. The cost of these wars is only mentioned when a Democrat is in the White House and the right-wingers can allocate all the blame to the president who inherited their mess.

Doocy asked him about his 'plan' to repeal and replace Obamacare. He'd repeal the mandates and repeal the taxes and gear more to state run medical programs and health-savings accounts. Jeb claims we need to shift (back) to a tried and true market approach, which punishes those with pre-existing conditions and the poor, which is where the Republicans have always been. His answers demonstrate that the Right has absolutely no intention of discussing serious matters and only wish to appeal to the id of their guns, god, gays and trivia-obsessed constituency.

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