Jeb Bush's Advisers Pretend Marco Rubio Is The 'GOP's Obama'

Desperate to distract the media from Donald and Dr. Ben...

CNN reports that at the Houston meeting this past weekend, the Jeb Bush campaign and its advisers are cautioning any harsh criticism of one of Jebby's home state rivals, Senator Marco Rubio. Since Marco Rubio is a moderate and more attractive 'establishment' Republican, they'd prefer he surged rather than the bombastic Trump, who is still leading the polls, for the most part.

The GOP Establishment is panicking over the current Carson-Trump dominance in the Republican field, hoping the polling shifts to reflect a little bit more sanity. Meanwhile, Rubio didn't help his own cause by complaining about the Senate and how he hates governing, so that's why he's running for the highest American governing position. The Bush campaign is insisting that Rubio is such a fresh, new face, he is much like then-Senator Obama and the PNAC crew thinks he'd make a fabulous running mate for John Ellis Bush.

Meanwhile, Trump supporters behaved in typical fashion this weekend attending a campaign rally in South Florida.

This video, posted to Facebook by NBC6, shows protester Ariel Rojas being knocked to the ground and roughly dragged by a Trump supporter at the Miami event as other supporters chant, “USA! USA!”

Raw Story reported:

NBC6 reports Rojas was one of several groups protesting Trump on Friday night at the Trump National Miami Doral Resort. Trump has made public statements against people of Mexican descent and women since launching his campaign. Rojas was holding the letter “Q” in a line-up of demonstrators spelling out the word “Equality.”

In other news, there are quite a few new suspicions raised about the other GOP front-runner and teenage stabber, Ben Carson. His interview with Chuckie Todd on Meet Depressed this weekend had a few odd moments where he said his violent tendencies are a thing of the past.

The entire Carson interview was bizarre. Carson promised to outlaw all abortions and get rid of Medicare if elected president. Carson’s policy positions, if they can be called that, are a fantasy of the extreme right.

Any comparison of these lunatics to Candidate Obama is wishful thinking. The desperation of Jeb's campaign is unmistakable. Since I'm dumping all sorts of GOP dirty laundry here, I may as well include the latest endorsement for the Donald: Mike Tyson will support Trump for President.

As one of our wise readers commented: (GOP Party Elite can't imagine why) years of promoting demagogues to appeal to a racist, mysogynist, religiously fundamentalist base; one that fears facts and higher education, and believes in paranoid conspiracy theories of an oppressive government, while simultaneously threatening to impose their own prejudices from the barrel of an AR-15, would come back to bite them in the ass.

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