Make It Or Break It.

Cosmic forecasts to create balance for self development and relationship compatibility.

Make It Or Break It.

There seems to be a pestering distraction that feels the air. Something is trying to get our attention. Have you noticed or experienced this energetic disturbance too? If so, you may have found yourself more receptive (or responsive) to these strange vibrations, which would’ve encouraged a need to escape from the outer world, so that we could turn inward. As we aim to re-connect with our inner self, we have a better chance to deeply ponder and explore what may leave us feeling intrigued and attracted, yet distant and detached at the same time.

Libra New Moon. Interesting enough (well, at least to me), I’m in good health. Yet I’ve felt a bit more off-balanced and ungrounded in the few days, although I am busy with work and business, family and home, but also with my busy season of entertaining halloween parties. I’ve chatted with a number of individuals, both online and offline, who have also shared their sense of imbalance. With a New Moon on Monday October 12 – this inner swing seems to feel a bit more unstable and unpredictable. This light-headed vibration can be the lingering effects from yesterday’s Sun/Uranus opposition, but also tomorrow’s Moon/Uranus opposition. It just feels strange, like the calm before a storm.

In the meantime, it’s just wise to stay prepared. Feel the inner sway, and feel the heart shift. Grasp what is being unleashed in your direction, and gain greater height for a better perspective. Be the stillness, be the breath, and be the crumbling of your chaos.

The unexamined life is not worth living. Socrates

Monday’s New Moon encourages a new support system with fresh beginnings. And as we groove to a different direction with Mercury Direct, which sextiles Saturn on Tuesday October 13, a new attitude and approach can benefit and strengthen our journey. Yet, like a swinging pendulum that moves ‘to and fro’, positioning ourselves may not be easy. At this time, don’t worry too much about taking action. Instead, spend time in meditation. Listen to what the heart and spirit are hungry for. Spend quality time in dreams and fantasy, to wish and plant seeds of intention for New Moon Blessings.

With the New Moon in balance-seeking (and indecisive) Libra, hearts will fluctuate in areas of personal connections, romantic relationships, professional partnerships, and estranged affairs, but also in the relationship that we have with ourselvs. As the cosmic pendulum moves back and forth; making heads or tails of either a direction, an outcome or our real needs will nearly be impossible. Only when we reach a point of stillness; will the vibrations from the heart lead us toward balance and peace.

Love never dies a natural death. It dies because we don’t know how to replenish its source. It dies of blindness and errors and betrayals. It dies of illness and wounds; it dies of weariness, of witherings, of tarnishings. Anaïs Nin

With Saturn in Sagittarius, the brakes will occasionally be applied to where we’re headed, in order to teach us patience, self-discipline, responsiblity and real strength for better direction. In Sagittarius, we can benefit through our awareness and experiences for a smoother journey and higher purpose, by learning how to steer better on bumpier roads. Otherwise, we could stray, take a wrong turn, and possibly end up in a ditch somewhere.

Things are not always what they seem; the first appearance deceives many; the intelligence of a few perceives what has been carefully hidden. Phaedrus

Being accountable may be helpful to remember as aggressive Mars trines transformative Pluto on Thursday October 15, then conjuncts expansive Jupiter on Saturday October 17. Real energy shall be invested into a mighty cleanse, to clear the path we have chosen. Mold and decay will be removed, and the regenerative process of healing and new growth can begin. With the slippery Venus/Neptune opposition on Friday October 16, our own illusions could mislead us if we fail to do our homework, so be careful of what you wish for. Tarot insight from SevenSwords/AceWands: Cheating life. For more info about the author, or for a personalized consult, click here.

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