Monica Crowley: The Media Is Out To Destroy Ben Carson Because He’s A Black Conservative

Leave it to Fox News contributor Monica Crowley to come up with a conspiracy theory as a way to “defend” Dr. Ben Carson’s remarks about the Umpqua Community College shooting. Right before she fear mongered about the Muslim "invasion" in Europe.

Leave it to Fox News contributor Monica Crowley to come up with a conspiracy theory as a way to “defend” Dr. Ben Carson’s remarks about the Umpqua Community College shooting. Right before she fear mongered about the Muslim "invasion" in Europe.

On The O’Reilly Factor, host Bill O’Reilly set the stage for Carson’s victimhood by saying, “Ben Carson being hammered again by the far left.”

In case you’ve forgotten, before Rupert Murdoch made Carson the center of a racial firestorm, Carson had made himself the center of the most recent mass shooting firestorm. Once again, Fox was so busy defending Carson, the pundits ignored how his “advice” for dealing with a shooter was more likely to get someone killed than saved.

But Crowley, Fox News’ conspiracy theorist extraordinaire, came up with another doozy.

CROWLEY: I think anybody running for president has to understand that every word that they utter will be scrutinized and pounded by the left-wing media as well as their opponents. That being said, everybody knows what Ben Carson meant when he said this. My issue is, they don’t do this to the Democrats.

O’REILLY: Of course not.

CROWLEY: They don’t pound the Democrats’ candidates the way they pound him. But there’s something else going on here with Ben Carson. He is a self-made black man. He is a pro-life, pro-gun conservative who actually walks the walk and talks the talk. Therefore, he’s got to be destroyed in ways that other Republican candidates don’t.

In fact, Trevor Noah and Larry Wilmore, each one black, savaged Carson last night and I suspect they'd be a lot more sensitive to racial bias than Crowley would.

But Crowley wasn’t done. Soon after this exchange, O’Reilly changed the subject so Crowley could fear monger about the Muslim refugees in Europe. Crowley isn’t just Islamophobic, she helped validate Fox’s most discredited pundit ever, Mr. “Muslim No Go Zone,” Steve Emerson.

From Media Matters:

CROWLEY: What I saw, Bill, is not a migrant crisis. This is an invasion. Are there some folks who are trying to flee war and persecution in Syria? Probably. But what I saw backs up the stats, which is that 80 percent of the people coming into central Europe are fighting-age males. They are men between the ages of 18 and 45. I saw very few women and very few children.

O'REILLY: Really, and in all three depots?


O'REILLY: Now, why are they going to Germany? I mean, Austria is a nice country, why wouldn't they stay in Vienna?

CROWLEY: Austria is beautiful, but Angela Merkel, the German chancellor, threw wide open the doors to these -- to these so-called refugees, and said you're more than welcome in Germany.

O'REILLY: All right, so this -- and they need workers in Germany because the population is aging, and that's one of the reasons why Merkel did what she did. Was it out of control there, when you were there?

CROWLEY: When I was in Vienna they had it pretty well organized. It wasn't a chaotic scene of the kinds we've seen before, because they have it pretty well under control. But upwards of 10,000 to 12,000 of these Muslims are coming in to the Vienna train station every single day, Bill. They have no intention of assimilating. I talked to a number of folks who were volunteers, International Red Cross people on the ground trying to help them. What they have said is that there's a security problem now in these communities where these camps are and where these transit points are. These men are carrying weapons, they're bringing weapons into the country, mostly knives. But they're threatening to people who are trying to help them. There's a security issue in terms of rapes happening there, child abuse, theft. So they've upped the military and police presence. But the Germans and Austrians I talked to who are close, who live close to these areas, are saying now our personal security is being threatened. Our wives can't walk alone at night. We can't send our kids on the buses to school because these roving gangs are moving all around.

Watch it above, from the October 7, The O’Reilly Factor.

Crossposted at News Hounds.
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