Neil Cavuto Smears Hillary Clinton’s Wall Street Plan As ‘Karl Marx Territory’

Fox’s Neil Cavuto and Charles Payne want you to think that Hillary Clinton’s rather weak “crackdown’ on Wall Street is one step short of a communist takeover. That is, when they're not calling her a lapdog for Wall Street.

Fox’s Neil Cavuto and Charles Payne want you to think that Hillary Clinton’s rather weak “crackdown’ on Wall Street is one step short of a communist takeover. That is, when they're not calling her a lapdog for Wall Street.

In a Cavuto on Business discussion, Fox’s Charles Gasparino said his “buddies on Wall Street” are not worried about Clinton’s “Wall Street Crackdown.”

“This is a bunch of gobbledy-gook that leads to nowhere,” Gasparino claimed. “It’s weak tea on every single level.” That’s somewhat similar to The Atlantic’s more in-depth analysis: “There is plenty to feel vaguely positive about in Clinton’s plan,” writer James Kwak concludes, but ultimately it’s “small-scale,” a “Dodd-Frank 2.0: a list of regulatory tweaks requiring various agencies to write complicated new rules governing obscure corners of the financial markets.”

Host Cavuto first said that Clinton is “making herself look like the anti-Wall Street candidate but… she doesn’t really mean it.” But then he said, “These chits against Wall Street are piling up.”

Panelists Ben Stein and Dagen McDowell dismissed Clinton’s plan as mere pandering to the left, while really acting on behalf of Wall Street. But then came the suggestions that Clinton is really some kind of secret communist.

The thing continues Obama’s war on business/Wall Street as a bullseye,” Fox Business host Payne said. “…It’s going to make our nation worse. We know it’s a wink-wink to her friends. Nevertheless, it’s going to crush Main Street, I think.”

Cavuto opined, “She’s tacking way left though. …This is getting into Karl Marx territory and running back.”

”Some of it’s way left,” McDowell agreed. Later, she sneered “Hillary Clinton would dress up like Wonder Woman and go to Comic Con if she thought it would get her the nomination.”

You know that Fox would be attacking Clinton 24/7 even if she were really Wonder Woman.

Watch this pretext for Fox to smear Clinton above, from the October 10th Cavuto on Business.

Crossposted at News Hounds.
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