NYC Mayor Angers Fox News By Demanding Records Of NYPD Use Of Force

New rules coming down from Mayor DeBlasio's office require that any use of force be written up by law enforcement officers. And this is a bad thing?

Somehow, when you hold people who are paid by the taxpayers more accountable for their actions, Fox 'News' has a huge problem with this positive change.

From now on, when police officers engage in an interaction using force, they must write a report about said use of force. Who better for Tucker Carlson to opine with on this 'outrage' than Bo Dietl, the vehemently anti-Obama, highly disrespectful and very anti-DeBlasio ex-cop, in addition to being an immature name-calling bully who sides with police brutality every time.

Dietl complains that the cops are not going to be happy about having to be accountable for their violent interactions in writing. He agrees with Commissioner William Bratton, who finds this new policy instituted by the Inspector General to be 'grandstanding.' In fact, Dietl claims that he is being 'directed by this Big Bird Mayor,' as that is ruining things in the idyllic NYPD. Dietl claims that in five years, there are only 175 complaints regarding police misconduct, just 35 per year, and out of 'a million interactions,' this is a minute fraction of conflicts that should simply be ignored.

Dietl says,

'My fear is as follows. Every time I leave Fox News, I talk to cops. And their attitude is, we're not going to get involved. Because you know what they're going to do? They're going to be report-takers. They're not going to be proactive' (RW speak for 'profiling') *followed by a grunt of disgust from Tucker Carlson.*

People have to respect cops, and now these 'people' have the opportunity to go back and hurt cops. He recalls the recent incident with James Blake, the tennis player harrassed by the NYPD, who mistook him for a credit card fraud ringleader. Dietl claims that the ringleaders routinely carried knives, so it was understandable that an innocent man was presumed guilty and attacked without warning. Dietl simply can't believe that the cop who tackled Blake is now on desk duty, because 'he did NOTHING WRONG.'

Dietl blames the City Council, the I.T. guys and the Big Bird Mayor for this outrageous demand on New York's 'finest.' So Tucker Carlson concludes,

'So the city will fall apart, the rich people will move to Florida and the people who are stuck here because they can't afford to leave will suffer.'

All this because violence affiliated with arrests needs to be documented. Talk about jumping to conclusions!

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