Peter Johnson Jr. Calls Benghazi Hearings 'Hillary's Superbowl'

'THIS is the decisive moment in her presidential career.' Democrats would beg to differ.

The man with two names that are common slang for male anatomy, Peter Johnson Jr., is Fox 'News' legal analyst. Brian Kilmeade, the life-sized jester host who blamed 9-11 on President Bill Clinton, is trying to wrap his head around today's Benghazi Hearings featuring Secretary Hillary Clinton, the star player of this whole manufactured charade. Peter's Johnson feels this is the most important moment of Hillary's Presidential bid, because how she performs under the scrutiny of some of the most unprofessional clowns our Congress has ever seen will determine her whole future.

As these hearings progress, a few of the Democrats on the committee have jumped to Clinton's defense, and have proclaimed these proceedings to be an absolute witch hunt. Elijah Cummings, Tammy Duckworth and Adam Smith (to name a few Democrats on the Committee) have been pretty straightforward in their questions regarding the true purpose of today's interrogation. But this morning, Johnson Jr. is convinced that the GOP could still achieve their true purpose and make the former Secretary look guilty of something.

The legal analyst thinks that if they make her look like a Joan of Arc figure or a victim of the Salem Witch Hunt, she will benefit from the proceedings. They need to ask her about her judgement, her reasoning, her bona fides, what she did on that day, etc. If they turn her into a witch being burned at the stake, it will not be effective politically. This is all based on the assumption that new information will be revealed in this, the 32nd hearing, public or private since the incident on September 11, 2012.

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