Right Wingers Praise Black Man's Peaceful Police Encounter
Steven Hildreth,is a Black man who survived a police stop and bragged about it. See? #BlueLivesMatter because of that one time...

A Black Man's Facebook post has gone viral in the world of imaginary police-persecution: the right-wing bubble. Because Steven Hildreth Jr. was pulled over for a broken headlight, while black, wearing a hoodie, and being "strapped" with guns and concealed carry permits; AND escaped the stop without incident or tragedy, then the BLM and other social movements must automatically be bullshit. This one incident proves it, as far as they are concerned.
Hildreth claims to be an a registered Independent, but we kind of understand what that really means: he's embarrassed to be a Black Republican, but judging by his retweets, he is absolutely that.

He's a novelist, his books being mainly about military encounters. He's also a self-professed gun enthusiast. He thinks it's patriotic to badmouth your own President by going behind his back and writing an unorthodox letter signed by #47Traitor-Senators to a FOREIGN LEADER. Yikes, he's hardly your typical 'hoodie-wearing Black guy.'
There's so much wrong here. He depicts a story about what should happen when a motorist is pulled over for an infraction: nothing dramatic. The fact that this incident occurred should never be noteworthy, but this solitary example represents, to the Conservative schmucks at The Washington Times and Fox Nation that there's no validity to the #BlackLivesMatter movement.
On Steven Hildreth Jr.'s Facebook page, one comment caught my eye. Lemelia, an author herself, said it best:
Lemelia Johnson Bonner
Today at 8:14am
The first thing that should be addressed is the fact that you're a knowing law breaker, and that you shouldn't have even put yourself in a pull over situation. And not just for one infraction, but two. Dummy. The second thing is that you talk an awful lot for someone who's too dumb to grasp the actual issue (as dummies usually do). No one's arguing the point that there are good officers, or that it's smart to stay cool and be respectful if you want to stay alive. That's elementary. The issue, DUMMY, is that power-hungry, bigoted sociopaths often choose law enforcement careers. Do the research. And those doing the hiring have NOT been doing their due diligence, or either don't care or are of the same ilk. The problem is that good cops, even though they are the vast majority, absolutely refuse to do anything about the bad ones. They protect them, defend them, silence witnesses, tamper with evidence, and flip the script, getting dumb tools like you to happily assist. It's not even a race thing. It's the allowing of development of a police state in this country, a place where ALL citizens will come to live in fear and feel the absolute need to be armed, suspicious of everything and everyone and ready to pull the trigger. You're a deluded, short-sighted dumbass.
It would appear that this 'deluded, short-sighted dumbass' may have a future as the next token Black pundit/shill on Fox 'News.' This episode will be exploited to positively portray the cops. I'm sure Hildreth doesn't mind the free publicity either.
@StevenHildreth meets two @Tucson_Police officers to thank them for viral traffic stop. Story tonight on @KGUN9 pic.twitter.com/pP9x7N1T5O
— Jennifer Delacruz (@JenDelaTV) October 30, 2015
Let the games begin.