Trey Gowdy: Our Questions During Clinton Witch Hunt Were 'New' But Her Answers 'Were A Little Old'

Trey Gowdy wants us to believe that there was anything new to be learned from the 11 hour witch hunt they conducted the day before this interview.

Trey Gowdy wants us to believe that there was anything new to be learned from the 11 hour witch hunt they conducted the day before this interview.

I'm not sure how you square Gowdy's assertion that the questions they peppered Clinton with were "new" but her answers were "old," but that didn't seem to matter much to Faux "news" host Greta Van Susteren, who was more than happy to give Gowdy some "fair and balanced" time to lie about what happened at the hearing and the line of questioning the former Secretary of State was subjected to from Gowdy and his fellow Republicans on the Benghazi committee.

As Media Matters noted, the majority of the questions asked during the hearing were either previously debunked myths, or questions Hillary Clinton had already answered during her previous appearance before Congress.

That didn't stop Gowdy from making the ridiculous assertions he treated Van Susteren's audience to in the segment above. From Fox's blog: Gowdy: 'Dichotomy' in What Secy Clinton Said in Private vs. Public on Benghazi:

Rep. Trey Gowdy told "On the Record" that he still doesn't know which aspect of the Benghazi attacks former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is taking responsibility for, after a marathon congressional hearing he led on Thursday.

"The three things we think she ought to take responsibility for she's kind of pushed off onto other people," the South Carolina Republican said. "I'm going to let other people decide whether she was candid or not. She was certainly not cut off and she was certainly given every opportunity to answer the questions."

"I thought the questions were new but the answers were a little old," he added.

Gowdy said there's a "dichotomy" between what Clinton said to people in private versus what she told the public -- specifically, that the American people heard a "spun-up story" about an anti-Islam video that was not mentioned in emails to officials and other individuals.

He said he would like to finish the investigation before the end of the year, but it depends on the White House, the Department of Defense and the State Department turning over all of their documents.

Sure he will.

My guess is Gowdy wraps this up about a week or two before the presidential election. Maybe by then they'll be sure they don't have any "new" evidence to produce for the public.


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