When Perfection Matters

Cosmic forecasts to create balance for self development and relationship compatibility.

Being on the same page as another may be a bit more challenging with an uncomfortable Sun/Pluto square on Tuesday October 6. While we may ‘talk a great talk’ because of a Mercury/Saturn sextile; making good on our word could be an issue with the Mars/Neptune opposition on Tuesday night. As Mercury retrograde prepares to station later this week, enhance your communication skills, as negotiations will have a much better chance when we ask the right questions and listen carefully to the response.

Learn how to see, realize that everything connects to everything else. Leonardo Da Vinci

Venus enters Virgo. Values shift again as Venus exits courageous Leo on Thursday October 8, and re-enters analytical Virgo; where she was back in July. Have you noticed as to how much your own values changed since the last few months? In this new cycle over the next few weeks, we’ll be assessing our gains, as well as our losses with the help of Jupiter in Virgo. From there, we can choose to weed to regenerate new growth with Mars in Virgo, and Pluto Direct in Capricorn, along with the transformational influence of the Solar Eclipse and Lunar Eclipse.

With Venus in Virgo, we’ll find ourselves yearning less for the competitive fun and games. Support with real stability and security will be part of this new craving. By analyzing our heart, along with our own personal efforts; we can genuinely become a true contender who participates in our journey toward happiness and peace. Without awareness to what we hold, or the responsibility that we must share, we rely on becoming ‘sitting ducks’, waiting in a field of worries, ‘what if’s’, and perfection – which is an open invitation for anxiety, indigestion and sleepless nights.

We can benefit more from Venus in Virgo, by appreciating a more realistic and simple lifestyle. Through good old-fashion hard work, while being of helpful service to others – we can get back to the basics of living again. As we simplify, we’ll reduce the drama and distractions, which can lead us to a buried treasure of what has always mattered most.

Be something you love and understand, Be a simple kind of man. Lynyrd Skynyrd

Mercury direct. During the last three weeks of Mercury retrograde, communications have been breaking down, along with computers, technology toys, appliances, travel and vehicles – so that we could stop what we’ve been doing – to get a better look at where some of the real issues have been. As Mercury stations direct in Libra on Friday October 9, communications will slowly begin to move forward and resume to where we last left off in the middle of September.

And again, the keyword to stress is ‘slowly’. Remembering this can help us to proceed forward with caution and care, as we attempt to say what we mean, as a way to correct past mistakes and misunderstandings. In this reminder, there’s a possibility with the Venus/Saturn square on Saturday October 10, that we could find ourselves displeased or tested with what we had received or learned in the last few weeks.

Next time you come my way, I’ll know just what to say. Tevin Campbell

An abundance of growth can seem promising for harmony and regeneration with the earthy Jupiter/Pluto trine on Sunday October 11. Yet in these transformational vibrations, the winds spontaneously change their direction. Perhaps Mercury is still up to his tricks by pointing out flawed communications – or there just might be a true sense of fickleness that is beginning to the surface in Sunday’s Sun/Uranus opposition. As this energy intends to interfere without prior notice, adaptability with some quick wit may be required as a way to flow, and breathe. Tarot insight from TenCupsrx/SixPentrx: Isolation from a lack of participation. For more info about the author, or for a personalized consult, click here.

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