Bachmann: Sanders 'Pulled All The Air Out Of His Campaign' Taking Up For Clinton On Benghazi
Never mind the Republicans' eleven hour witch hunt, Michele Bachmann wants us to believe that Bernie Sanders is the one that gave Hillary Clinton a "get out of jail free card' on Benghazi.
There are so many things wrong with this segment from this Monday's Hardball on MSNBC, it's hard to know where to begin, but I guess we could start with the fact that anyone is bringing Michele Bachmann, who is nuts, on the air to weigh in on the Republican debates or the Democratic presidential race in the first place.
After asking Bachmann what she thought of Hillary Clinton accusing Bernie Sanders of being sexist for saying that she was "shouting" about gun control, Bachmann basically proclaimed the Sanders campaign dead following the first Democratic debate because Sanders told the audience that "the American people are sick and tired of hearing about the damn emails."
BACHMANN: Everyone knows at this point she will in all likelihood be the be the nominee of the Democrat party. It's just a slam dunk and actually it's because of Bernie Sanders. He gave her the get out of jail free card in the last debate when he took Benghazi off the table, the emails off the table. He said it doesn't make any difference to me and you had a smile from ear to ear on Hillary's face and she saw right then and there she was the nominee.
MATTHEWS: I have never seen that done before, just give it away. I mean, it wasn't his issue, but why did he reach out and pull it away?
BACHMANN: He totally did. (crosstalk) What he did is he pulled all the air out of his campaign. His campaign was over at that point and I don't know why he did that, because he was surging wildly. He had so many people behind him here in Minnesota. I didn't see any Hillary bumper stickers. I see Bernie bumper stickers. I see Bernie lawn signs.
And after he did that, it was a self destructive moment, and it's like the whole gas is out of his campaign and you just see no more enthusiasm and I think it's Hillary's, although there's not a lot of enthusiasm. So I think there's a problem.
Never mind the eleven hour witch hunt by Republicans the following week which even conservative pundits were calling a bust, or that the DNI's office cleared Clinton of sending any highly classified information in her emails, Clinton needed Bernie Sanders to "get out of jail" on Benghazi and her email server.
I'm not sure what drop in enthusiasm Bachmann is talking about either, since Sanders actually saw a rise in his poll numbers following that debate, but facts don't seem to matter much in wingnut land. They don't seem to matter to Matthews much either, who was nodding in agreement with her the entire time.