Ben Carson Spews Word Salad On Too Big To Fail

Move over Sarah Palin! Ben Carson "clarifies" his views on too big to fail during this Tuesday's Fox Business GOP debate.

Move over Sarah Palin! You've got some competition in the word salad department. MSNBC's Chris Jansing caught up to Ben Carson shortly after the Fox Business fact-free lie-fest "debate" was over and asked Carson to clarify his remarks on too big to fail and the bank bailouts, and all I can say is... wow.

JANSING: I'm not quite sure I understood what you... your answer on too big to fail and the banks. If Bank of America, right now, was about to fail, would you be for bailing it out? For government intervention?

CARSON: My answer is it's not an A or a B. It's not let it fail, or bail it out. There's another option, option C. There's another tier of banks right beneath that one that we can allow people who are in that system to move to if they're going to fail.

JANSING: So you would be for letting those people... would people have to withdraw their money and put it in another bank, let Bank of America or whatever that large bank was go away?

CARSON: Absolutely. That's the way capitalism works. (crosstalk) Let me just tell you how capitalism works. If you're good and you do things well, you grow. If you do things poorly, you fail. End of story. That's the way it works.

JANSING: You're not concerned some people will think that might be overly simplistic?

CARSON: I don't think it's simplistic at all. That's the way it works. And the way Socialism works is the government says, well, let's see, I'd better take this and I'd better fix this and I'd better change this and I'd better create this problem. And then I'll solve this problem and I'll look like the good guy and everyone will trust in me, and I, you know, that's just not the system that allowed America to go from nowhere to the pinnacle of the world in record time. That's not what was going on.

And there's your history lesson of the day from Dr. Ben Carson on how capitalism and Socialism work. I'm so glad he cleared that up.

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