Carly Fiorina To The View: 'Man Up, And Debate Me' On My 'Facts'

Carly is still doubling down on the 'harvesting fetal body parts' lie and her version of the 'facts.'

How do you debate a Republican that has an inability to discern fact from fiction, much less one who is incapable of understanding linear time? You can't, it is impossible, because they are so skilled in obfuscation and pernicious lying, you cannot have a debate based in reality. This couldn't be more true for the token woman of the 2016 GOP field, Carly Fiorina, who possesses the most important weapon in the Conservative arsenal: lying. She is slated to be on The View this Friday, November 6th, to defend the 'attacks' the ladies launched on her on October 29th, the day after the last 'debate.'

This morning, on Fox and Friends, ex-View host and right-wing extremist, Elisabeth Hasselbeck, interviewed Carly from somewhere in Iowa, where she, unlike other candidates, is working hard, meeting the people and telling them absolutely nothing of veracity. Meanwhile, representatives of the other GOP candidates have met just outside of Washington D.C. yesterday night to discuss the format of the next debate, and make sure it's nothing more than a friendly soiree of cheese, crackers and simple questions that couldn't be more innocuous. Carly says that she's different, and doesn't care how the debates are structured because her policy has been,

"I'll debate anyone, anytime, anywhere."

She specifically wants to discuss how 'bad for women' President Obama has been and the 'fact' that Planned Parenthood is still harvesting fetal body parts, which has yet to hold up in the face of any credible evidence or proof.

Contrary to her claims of disengagement from talks regarding future GOP Debates, that meeting did take place last night, and representatives of several campaigns, including Fiorina's, were present. With regards to this clandestine, almost union-like meeting,

...the organizers said representatives for Carly Fiorina, Mike Huckabee, Rand Paul, Marco Rubio, and Rick Santorum have already agreed to attend. "I think the campaigns have a number of concerns and they have a right to talk about that amongst themselves," said Christian Ferry, Graham's campaign manager. He said they intend to "find out what works best for us as a group."

Is this another lie, Carly? Apparently, you don't have to be present to discuss matters that pertain to your campaign when you have people working for you who do that. Politico also confirmed,

Others who are expected to attend, organizers say, are representatives for Carly Fiorina, Mike Huckabee, Rand Paul, Marco Rubio and Rick Santorum. The planners are also reaching out to other Republican candidates.

As is customary, Carly claims that she is more 'pro-woman' than Hillary Clinton, and the best woman for the job. The problem with this claim is that her policies have shown that to be as disingenuous as everything else about her. Her debate assertion that women have fallen disproportionately into poverty under President Obama has been proven unequivocally false. Hillary Clinton herself has called out Fiorina's hypocrisy on her claims of woman-friendly legislation in the workplace, as Fiorina believes corporations have NO obligation to provide maternity or family leave.

This morning, Elisabeth Hasselbeck played mama lion to sweet and unfairly maligned Carly. The poor dear has been personally attacked, not just her message of brutal misogyny. Hasselbeck said that she senses a 'faux feminism' when it comes to GOP women, but Fiorina thinks that Republicans treats EVERYBODY as an equal, so there is no need for that pesky feminism. Fiorina says that she will force Clinton to debate her policies, her track record and on that, 'I will beat her.' Her deliberate manner of slow, condescending speech is insulting and annoying to anyone with the misfortune of hearing her.

The size of our 'big government' is exactly the cause of the current underachiever status of our country, where we are just 'managing its decline.' The precipitous collapse of the economy and the horrible financial record of the Bush years are of no consequence, because Fiorina is a Republican who doesn't comprehend basic cause and effect or linear time of any sort.

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