Dana Perino Attacks Obama For Not Cleaning Up Her Former Boss' Mess

Perino's former boss created the mess, why doesn't our president fix it already? It's just so simple apparently.

I fondly remember the University of Nevada college student, Ivy Zeidrich hit Jeb Bush with some hard truth-telling: Your brother created ISIS. This is not a theory, this is history, and no one who worked for the Bush 43 Administration has any business leveling harsh criticism on anyone, especially his successor. There is far too much evidence that this ISIS, or Daesh as Muslims call them, was a direct result of the illegal invasion and occupation of Iraq.

Eric Bolling, who filled in for Bill O'Reilly, asked former George W. Bush Press Secretary, Dana Perino, now the co-host of the The Five on Fox 'News' to explain the incoherent strategy that is coming from the Obama White House. She claims that

President Obama has completely failed to articulate a coherent strategy for dealing with ISIS and the Syrian refugee crisis, as stated on "The O'Reilly Factor" last night.

She said that Obama's refusal to listen to his advisers or change his strategy could have dangerous effects.

"It's not a war of our choosing, but we can choose how to fight it. And right now, I think that we're not fighting it well enough."

President Obama doesn't seem to listen to his generals, Bolling claims, and Perino said that Obama's refusal to listen to his advisers or change his strategy could have dangerous effects. If only the president, like good Black Republicans, knew his place...

BOLLING: Contained. Setback. JV. It seems like if he's just walking through this thing trying to play it cool, pretending like everything's okay. Meanwhile, the whole world's blowing up, the Middle East's on fire.

PERINO: My biggest concern about what he said is something else he said about the refugee situation being a recruiting tool for ISIS, which tells me he has a misunderstanding of the nature of the enemy... ISIS recruits best when they have "wins," such as the Paris attacks and the bombing of a Russian jet over Egypt.

Both Bolling and Perino are upset that the president promises to veto the House's recent passage of restrictions on Syrian immigration, which included a vote from 'rising Democratic Star' Tulsi Gabbard. Neither of these two Fox 'News' emplolyees understands the nature of the president's veto power. Any legislation that makes it to his desk requires a 2/3 majority to override. This allegedly imperial president is suddenly neutered in the face of Congressional opposition? I thought he was a dictator. When will these people make up their minds?

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