Erik Rush: Obama Clandestinely Trained And Funded ISIS

His source is a guy too wacky even for Fox "News"

When your source for paranoid conspiracy theories, which alleges that President Obama is complicit in the funding and training of the terror group Daesh (ISIS), is too paranoid for Fox News, I think we have hit DEFCON 1 for wingnuts. If you've never heard of World Net Daily's Erik Rush, here's an excerpt from his recent article entitled: The Left's Motive For Importing Terrorists.

It is widely known among those who do not get their news from the alphabet TV networks that Obama has been clandestinely importing Muslims from Syria, Iraq, Somalia and other destabilized Muslim nations for several years. Now, on the pretext of humanitarianism, he intends to prey upon Americans’ sympathy to import tens of thousands more.

Why do leftists advocate for a policy that will domestically destabilize America? As with so many harmful policies they’ve supported, they do so that they may later offer a statist, liberty-killing remedy. In this case, the cure will be a more well-developed surveillance and police state, which they surmise Americans will welcome when we’re being hacked to death on our streets by Muslims.

The bipartisan legislation upon which the House voted last week to augment screening procedures for Syrian refugees passed 289-137. Although Obama said he would veto this measure if it got to his desk, the upside is that we now have a list of 137 members of Congress who should be stripped of their citizenship and exiled to Syria.

Alan Colmes asks Rush to defend his assertion that President Obama is responsible for the rise of the terror group ISIS (Daesh).

ERIK RUSH: There's more than enough evidence out there in the public domain that Obama first clandestinely then through a con job he did on Congress and a few others, funded ISIS, trained ISIS and they're basically doing his bidding in terms of his Islamist bent, I think it's pretty fitting to call them his mercenary army.

Erik Rush claims that the President has always wanted to create an Islamist government in the Middle East, deposing autocrats like Qaddafi, Mubarak and Assad. Rush never fails to mention the president's middle name, Hussein, and Colmes points that out. When asked to defend the idea that the president is financing Daesh and is behind all the be-headings and other atrocities, Rush says he may not be directly behind THAT, but he wants them to succeed. (Hence all the strikes on Daesh targets, dontcha see?) Facts don't matter.

Rush also favors the ravings of a conspiracy theorist too nuts for anyone but Rand Paul. Scott Bennett, a self-professed psy-ops guy, thinks Hillary Clinton and Barack Hussein Obama are all behind this malevolence. And he says he can prove it.

Islam is not a religion, according to the World Net Daily writer. He thinks it's not just a malignancy, but a system of government that seeks to impose its Shari'a Law upon this nation, it's only a matter of time. Islam is a creed that 1400 years of violence are true. He urges his readers to rid this country of the Muslims, by any means necessary. Alan reminds him that he said to neutralize the threat with every means at our disposal.

The First Amendment doesn't apply to Islam, because Erik Rush thinks it's not a religion. Therefore it is not afforded the same protections as other Abrahamic religions that were founded upon the bloodshed of so many millions in history, all the same.

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