Fearmongering Ted Cruz Surges In Polls After Paris Attacks
Cruz has been angling for the support of the state’s powerful evangelical voting blocs.
Ah yes, the Iowa evangelicals. That selectively-informed voting bloc that selected Michele Bachmann in the 2011 Iowa Straw Poll! Unfortunately, Ted Cruz is much more of a danger to our democracy than Bachmann ever was. He's slick, he's a gifted liar, and he's the anointed of God. (Just ask his father.) Now the real GOP candidates start to emerge:
Texas Sen. Ted Cruz has overtaken Ben Carson in Iowa to statistically tie Donald Trump atop the polls in the first-in-the-nation caucus state as foreign policy has reemerged as a key issue with the electorate following the Paris terrorist attacks.
In a survey of likely Iowa Republican caucus-goers by Quinnipiac University, Cruz received the support of 23%, up from 10% on October 22, with Trump leading with 25%. Carson, who topped last month’s survey with 28%, has fallen 10 points to 18%, amid scrutiny of his credentials on world affairs.
Cruz’s rise comes as he has attacked Florida Sen. Marco Rubio’s past support for comprehensive immigration reform, and as he secured the endorsement of Iowa Rep. Steve King. Rubio, who surged after the October CNBC debate, but has seen his poll numbers in Iowa remain a steady 13%.
Every time I hear Ted Cruz speak, I think of this scene from "The Dead Zone." Because I could totally see him doing it: