Tucker Carlson And Guest Blame Obama Administration For Paris Attacks

Self loathing anti-Islam Fox Pundit, Dr. Zuhdi Jasser, condemns the U.S. Government for not being tough enough on fanatical Islam, because this happened in Europe.

Tucker Carlson wants to know why is Paris so often the target for terrorist attacks. His guest, Dr. Zuhdi Jasser, a pro-Netanyahu Syrian immigrant and the leader of the American Islamic Forum for Democracy, is one of their token pundits who regularly denounce the majority of Muslims for the acts of a few horrible people. He appeared earlier this year on Fox 'News' to protest against the teaching of Arabic in a New York school.

Today we need to find a way to tie this tragedy in Paris to the Obama Administration, and by default, to all the Democratic Candidates as well. This is what the right wing did before some of the bodies were cold, while the terrorists weren't even finished killing innocent people in retaliation for Western attacks on the death cult of ISIS. Nobody rubs salt in the wounds more brutally than Fox 'News' resident trust fund creep, Tucker Carlson.

TUCKER CARLSON: They appear to have failed so miserably in assimilating immigrants from the Middle East. Why do you think that is and what are the lessons for us in the U.S.?

Jasser goes on about how our government has failed to target the theocratic elements of Islam, and not demanding that American Muslims to respect and almost worship the U.S. Constitution. He believes that we don't have the leadership, the government and the media. Apparently, we need to not be ashamed of what we stand for against the Shari'a law. (I wasn't aware that the Obama Administration embraces Shari'a, but then again, Fox 'News' can say whatever baseless drivel they want, no one checks up on them).

American Muslims need to stand up and reject theocracy, and he thinks that our leaders are not putting the fire under the feet of Muslims to stand up to this extremism. (He's not?) So it's our government's fault for not condemning the acts of radical Jihadists? Fox and the Republican Party it serves seems to delight in blaming the Democrats for any ills that befall the planet, almost relishing in this type of carnage. It's the see, I told you so mentality of GOP-TV toddlers.

With the usual diplomacy that the Obama Administration favors, the president pledged solidarity and unity with France and vowed to help the French people in any way we can. The Islamophobic Fox News crowd wants an immediate condemnation of the whole faith. Jasser, in this interview, is calling for more nationalist loyalty to the Constitution, which is the same one that the Republican Party regularly relieves themselves upon by striving to make the U.S. a Christian Theocracy.

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