Huckabee Pretends President Obama Favors ISIS Over Republicans

Obama wants Americans to memorize the Koran and get rid of their guns. Sure he does.

I believe there must be a checklist for the Sunday Morning Infomercials For Republicans, news shows. If you are the guest of the day, there's pretty solid odds that you will:

  • Attack the 'feckless' President or any Democratic Candidate for POTUS,
  • Claim that they all are coming for your guns,
  • Label Democrats the terrorist-friendly party, who secretly love all Muslims
  • Call them cowards who lack sincerity,
  • Pretend that Democrats like ISIS better than the GOP
  • And finally, pretend that the Republicans have a spotless record on fighting terrorism.

If it's Sunday, it's Meet the White and Right Males. CNN's State of the Union was hosted today by Brianna Keilar, who wanted to know more about this tweet from Governor Mike Huckabee which followed the November 20th attacks on Bamako, Mali.

The man who wants to send the FBI to stop women from having abortions also claims that the radical Islamists are anti-woman, nothing like his political party at all. All the ever-so-reasonable Mike Huckabee wants is for the president to show the same kind of anger towards the ISIS terrorists that he has so brazenly directed at Republicans.

HUCKABEE: "This President has shown considerable more intensity of anger toward Republicans than he has toward ISIS."

"I mean I remember those press conferences -- the one in Manila and the one in Turkey prior to that -- where you could see the visible, visceral anger this President had as he spoke about Republicans. And he was so frustrated that there was not just a universal acceptance of his point of view about relocation of refugees, calling people who disagreed with him as un-American," Huckabee said.

"It was harsh. And I just want him to show the same kind of anger directed toward the ISIS terrorists, and frankly, all the radical Islamists, that we saw from the French President (Francois) Hollande," he said. "That's what we all need to do -- the family of civilized nations needs to get together and we need to destroy them once and for all."

Huckabee is delusional when he claims that French President Hollande will stop all immigration from war-torn nations, like Syria. Hollande said, on Tuesday, November 24 at the White House:

The Syrian crisis is directly relevant to Europe, first of all, given the terrorist threat, but also because there are millions of refugees fleeing the regime’s bombs and Daesh atrocities. If we were to abandon them, we would betray what we are. This is the reason why I reject identifying migration and terrorism.

The only people on the planet who think that our president is pro-Daesh are the delusional members of the GOP. Keep repeating the lie that POTUS loves ISIS and at best, you'll win over the measly 26% of voters who identify themselves as Republicans. How's that post-mortem of the GOP going, guys?

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