Klingenschmitt: Refugees Are Welcome If They Renounce Part Of The Koran
Colorado Republican Gordon Klingenschmitt is woefully ignorant of the difference between the culprits of the Paris attacks and Syrian refugees, like most Republicans.
If you didn't think the GOP can get any worse than Princess Dumbass of the Northwoods, just look to Colorado Republican and Chaplain, Gordon Klingenschmitt. The esteemed host of Pray In Jesus' Name, also known as Dr. Chaps, is not the archetypal reasoned individual. So naturally, his emotions will easily surpass any scintilla of logic when it comes to the recent rash of Parisian violence. Compounded with the proclamation by Republican Governors that they will not permit refugees from Syria into their states, as if Federal Law is not supreme, Klingenschmitt is completely divorced from reality.
Alan Colmes, in his weekly Versus FoxNews.com segment, ventured into the world of Islamophobic malapropisms with this Colorado Assemblyman and Jesus Warrior because Syria=Muslim=Terror=ISIS. Old Gordon is blissfully ignorant of the demographics of the refugees already living in the U.S., much like Princeton grad Senator Ted Cruz, and has no idea that there's just a fraction of these refugees who even fit the characterization of a typical soldier of ISIS.
About twenty-two per cent are men between the ages of eighteen and fifty-nine—a broad definition of “young.”
Most are women, and children, with a whopping thirty-eight percent who are under the age of twelve. Klingenschmitt believes that these refugees are all terrorists, and no facts will penetrate his thick and crazy cranium.
When Colmes explained the make up of the refugees, pure stupidity was revealed.
GK: Well, tell that to the dead people in France and their relatives...They had an open borders policy.
AC:These were French Nationals. They were not refugees, they were not immigrants, they were French.
GK: Well the report I heard, they were shouting Allahu Akbar.
More Islamophobic fearmongering ensued, culminating in another baseless, right-wing lie. Klingenschmitt claimed that Djokhar Tsarnaev was a refugee, which he wasn't, and of course, neither were the Paris attackers. Gordon really dislikes the Koran and he wants those who wish to enter this country to renounce the part of the holy book about killing the infidels, as if this would be an effective strategy to curtail violence.
Every single claim made by the chaplain provided more evidence that he is ruled by ignorant fear. His political party has made this fear so pervasive, especially since GWB took office. The GOP executes their get-out-the-vote strategy very effectively for those who live under the terror umbrella, so masterfully crafted for their perpetually paranoid base. Ironically, Klingenschmitt said goodbye and blessed Colmes in the name of Jesus, another persecuted man from the Middle-East who would be treated as poorly as he wants to treat these Syrian refugees.