Louie Gohmert Accuses President Obama Of Playing Politics With Syrian Refugee Crisis

"Terror babies" Louie Gohmert with another huge heaping helping of projection on Fox "news" this Sunday.

"Terror babies" Louie Gohmert with another huge heaping helping of projection on Fox "news" this Sunday. Here's how he responded when asked by host Shannon Bream what he thought of President Obama criticizing those who objected to his policy on the Syrian refugee crisis:

BREAM: Some say that it is, including our President, it is un-American and the suggestion if bigoted, to in some way stop the flow of these refugees. How do you respond?

GOHMERT: Well, there is nothing un-American about self defense. It goes back to the very nature of this country. We provide freedom, but when you are a threat to our freedom, we will defend ourselves, and this President saying that these refugees are not a threat is either very ignorant, or he's lying.

We've been told that no refugees have been found to be a problem, which is a lie in and of itself. Look at the Tsarnaevs. Not only did they come in under the asylum program as refugees, but we were warned twice by Russia that the older Tsarnaev had been radicalized, and they still couldn't get that right.

We know that the Iraqi refugees that came in came in on the basis of a very thorough vetting as our FBI Director said. We had finger prints from IEDs, the government database, all this data and we still had terrorists that got in and fortunately we caught a couple of them and got them out. But we have no database to work from when it comes to the Syrians.

After some more fearmongering over the refugees supposedly flooding into our southern border, Gohmert proceeded to accuse President Obama of being the one playing politics and not the cowardly House members like himself who just voted to make it even harder, if not impossible for these refugees to finally make their way into the United States.

BREAM: If what you have said is true, then why is the President proceeding down this path? Arguably his number one obligation as Commander in Chief is to protect Americans. Why would he do that if there was a real threat?

GOHMERT: Well, for the same reason that he hasn't secured our border against all enemies that are trying to come hurt us. It's the same reason that his administration had the Fast & Furious program that provided weapons to Mexican drug cartels. To them it's all about politics. It's trying to get more voters that will support your position.

But to some of us, with deference to Howard Kurtz who said both sides are playing politics, one side here at least, the people I know and my friends in the House are not playing politics. We're trying to save this country for our kids. It's bad enough we're going to give them massive debt, to give them people that are trying to kill them while they're trying to manage the debt we give them is just unconscionable.

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