Marco Rubio Pretends He Wants To Alleviate Student Loan Debt

He says he's sympathetic to the debt faced by students, but his Senate record shows otherwise.

Elisabeth and Steve were pleased as punch to welcome the comparatively handsome, romantic and dreamy junior Senator from Florida, Marco Rubio. The controversy du jour was his physical location next to Donald Trump in the upcoming FBN-GOP Debate, which is exempt from the outlandish demands from the passengers of the clown car. He addressed the comments recently made by Trump with regards to his fiscal responsibility. Rubio answered back by taking a stab at Trump's fortuitous, dynastic start as he inherited wealth, whereas Rubio just recently paid off his student loan debt.

The studio cameras took about fifteen seconds to catch on that Rubio was advertising for his campaign, and finally refocused the camera on the Senator, instead of the wide shot that featured Hasselbeck, Doocy and Rubio. His plea was to show that he's understanding of the financial difficulties faced by the average American because he was one of them too. His house lost value in the economic downturn during the second Bush 43 term, like millions of Americans. Rubio knows how it feels to lose so much value by no fault of your own, but only touched on Wall Street's role in the financial crisis. He doesn't suggest any legislative regulation of Wall Street because, he knows where his bread is buttered.

He sympathizes with the plight of so many college graduates who have crushing debt that takes decades to pay off. He's

'passionate' about fighting on behalf of the people in this country, I grew up paycheck to paycheck.

As far as regulation on big business, he's anything but an advocate for the regular guy. He's on the record saying that he doesn't think the Kochs want anything from Washington. He is certainly not Koch-free himself.

Rubio is familiar with some of the key players in the Koch network. For example, there's Wayne Berman, the chief lobbyist for the Blackstone Group, a private investment firm. (Its CEO and chairman, Stephen Schwarzman, lives in the same Manhattan apartment building as David Koch and attended a Koch brothers conference in 2010 in Aspen, Colorado.) Just 13 days before Rubio denied that any one in the audience had ever come to his office looking for a favor, Berman hosted a fundraising lunch for Rubio at Patroon, a New York City restaurant where a burger costs $24. Several months later, on April 15, another Blackstone lobbyist, Justin Daly, and a lobbyist for Koch Industries, Sam Geduldig, co-hosted a fundraiser for Rubio at a townhouse on Capitol Hill.

As far as being an advocate for student debt, you couldn't tell based on his record in the Senate. When there was a bill proposed by Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-Ma) called the Bank on Students Emergency Loan Refinancing Act, Rubio was one of the 37 Senators who voted against it.

It would have allowed existing student loan borrowers the chance to refinance their debt at today’s lower interest rates and would be fully paid for by enacting the “Buffet rule,” which ensures billionaires and millionaires pay their fair share of taxes.

Rubio is appalled, as perhaps anyone who hears kids using profanity might be over the Deport Racism 2016 ad put out by Deportracism.com. True, it's not exactly classy, but it is effective in garnering Latinos to speak out against Trump. Rubio doesn't understand the SNL protests over Trump's hosting this Saturday, just don't watch is his remedy for the racist gaining free publicity thanks to NBC.

Rubio is exactly like the majority of Republicans who don't want to upset the corporate apple cart. Why get on the case of a television network? They're just trying to make an honest buck, right?

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