Nevada's Ammosexual Fiore Blames Paris Casualties On Gun Control
Is there no end to this woman's insanity? Of course Paris needs MOAR GUNZ!
There's no end to the insanity of NV GOP Assembly Majority Leader and calendar pin up girl, Michele Fiore. Naturally, the astute ammosexual had to weigh in on the Parisian attacks and add her very unsolicited two cents. Here's her tweet:
— Michele Fiore (@VoteFiore) November 14, 2015
She cites an article from The New American, a publication, that by its own admission, is part of the racist, anti-Semitic John Birch Society. This is from the about page on their website.
In addition to political topics, The New American also publishes articles about economics (from a free-enterprise perspective of course!), culture, and history. It is published by American Opinion Publishing, a wholly owned subsidiary of The John Birch Society.
Michele has plenty of photos of herself that show her love for guns and herself, obviously. She was one of the most vocal Cliven Bundy supporters and is famous for a plethora of crazy comments and beliefs on myriad subjects. The photo she includes in her tweet can be yours if you buy her calendar and turn to March, 2016.
It's not possible to address the hot mess that is Michele Fiore without showing her soft core porn film trailer that is posted at the top of this article. What's worse is that this isn't the most embarrassing thing about Fiore. Gun proliferation is a pet project of hers and she wants more guns on college campuses and vowed to get our gun rights back this session back in December, 2014. Her movie trailer is trivial when you compare it with the lives lost because of insane gun legislation.
Michele, not the sharpest knife in the drawer, fails to understand that a firearm wouldn't do a whole helluva lot of good in the face of suicide bombers. The world was already incensed over the right-wing tweets following the attacks. I can't imagine how badly this makes America look in the eyes of the rest of the rational world.
h/t LGF