The Nightly Show Watches Stabby Ben Carson's Campaign Go Off The Rails
The Nightly Show has a bit of fun with old Stabby Ben's presidential campaign and his recent troubles.
The Nightly Show has a bit of fun with old Stabby Ben's presidential campaign and his recent troubles. First up was the Carson campaign's trouble with maps that TPM discussed here: Ben Carson Can't Place New England On A Map (PHOTO):
Retired neurosurgeon Dr. Ben Carson on Tuesday expressed his support for a growing contingent of governors who are against allowing Syrian refugees into the United States — but he shared an incorrect graphic of the lower 48 states in the process.
Carson's campaign shared the botched map, which transposed much of New England above New Hampshire, on Twitter and Facebook.
"I am standing with the 31 Governors who are fighting to keep our nation safe," the Facebook post, which has since been deleted, read. "We do not currently have the means to adequately vet the thousands of refugees that the Obama Administration wants to bring into the United States."
WILMORE: Look very closely at the northeast. Okay... what? Since when is Vermont south of Massachusetts and shaped like a hand gun? Or is it just Gunslyvania? And Maine and New Hampshire I guess are so close to Canada because that's where they are right now. WTF?
I'm sorry Dr. Carson, but do you have a problem with the way God made the earth? I mean, I wouldn't know how to find a map this wrong if I wanted to, but I do know where to find that's right. Literally anywhere else!
After wondering if Carson drew it himself, and if so what some of his patients looked like after brain surgery, Wilmore moved onto his other trouble this week, which we discussed here, and one of his advisors throwing him under the bus: Carson Advisor Irrationally Defends His Client's Inability To Understand Foreign Policy.
Wilmore brought on one of Carson's current national security campaign advisors, Jan McMahon (played by The Nightly Show's Rory Albanese) to try to find out just what's gone wrong with the campaign and why the people working for Carson are turning on him, and sadly things didn't work out quite so well for McMahon, who found himself on the wrong end of Ben Carson's knife.