Paul Ryan's Honeymoon As Speaker Is Over
Ryan just got "Boehnered" by GOP extremists
Remember when Paul Ryan agreed to become Speaker of the House, he said that he would only be if he could be a unifying force for the Republicans?
Well, that didn't last long:
Nearly one-third of the Republicans in the House of Representatives signed a letter calling on party leaders to ensure that a must-pass spending bill block any use of federal funding to resettle refugees from Syria and nearby countries, the bill's sponsor said on Tuesday.
Seventy-four of the 246 House Republicans signed the letter, which was circulated by Republican Representative Brian Babin.
It urges Speaker Paul Ryan and other House leaders to include a provision in an upcoming appropriations bill that would block President Barack Obama's plan to accept 10,000 Syrian refugees in the next year.
Passage of a bill with such language by the Republican-controlled Congress could set up a showdown with Obama, who has promised to veto a standalone bill passed by the House last week setting tighter controls on refugee resettlement.
Congressional aides are negotiating the $1 trillion-plus spending bill, facing a Dec. 11 deadline for it to pass the House and Senate and be signed into law by Obama to avoid a government shutdown.
Ryan's office did not immediately respond to a request for comment on the letter.
It's not surprising that Ryan did not respond right away. He was probably too worried about killing Bambi to be bothered with saving lives or showing the leadership he falsely promised.
H/T digby