Rep. McCaul (R-TX) Wants To Ban Refugees And Keep Gitmo Open

President Obama can't be doing enough to secure the U.S. because Paris, France was hit. McCaul fearmongers over refugees and Gitmo once again.

Texas Republican Representative, Mike McCaul has a history of Islamophobia and a habit of predicting doom. He's been the most vocal about the consequences of closing Guantanamo Bay, claiming that closing Gitmo will provide a Mecca for the Jihadists in the U.S. He was a guest on Fox and Friends Monday morning, and then he hopped over to Morning Joe just a few minutes later to repeat his GOP talking points.

McCaul is the Chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee and the second richest member of Congress. He agrees with Allen West, who was on the Fox 'News' show earlier, who doesn't want any male refugees allowed to enter the U.S. who are between the ages of sixteen and forty, which is considered fighting age. Hasselbeck asks McCaul what might the consequences be of 10,000 Syrian Refugees coming to America.

We know that one or two of these terrorists that perpetrated this were Syrian Refugees. I think it would be highly irresponsible to bring in 10,000 of these refugees at this time... Our first and foremost responsibility...we have to protect Americans in the homeland.

The detention center at Guantanamo Bay has been a hot-button issue since President Obama took office. Hasselbeck recalls the Bergdahl trade that garnered the release of five detainees from Gitmo to the U.A.E. Chairman McCall was also an opponent of that operation. He acts as if these detainees would be released from Gitmo to run amok in the U.S., as if they wouldn't be in a maximum security prison.

'To shut down Guantanamo, bring in the worst of the worst, I saw Khalid Sheikh Mohammed down there, evil incarnate, mastermind of 9-11. I don't want him in the United States of America and I don't think most Americans do. And to say that ISIS is contained. For God's sake, I'd hate to see ISIS unleashed... He's (POTUS) had a policy of containment, not to defeat and destroy ISIS.

McCaul's ignorance on the nature of the group ISIS is obvious. There's no way to destroy an ideology, only to weaken its appeal. The idea of bombing them to stop isolated acts of terror is preposterous, and logical leaders know that it will likely exacerbate the tensions that lead to terrorism. This is not a traditional war, as there are no rules. Terrorism is achieved by creating extreme fear by committing unspeakable acts of violence against the innocent, made almost impossible to resolve thanks to those who are prepared to blow themselves up along with others. When someone has a willingness to die for a cause, it is unreasonable to think anyone can stop all acts of terror.

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