Sanders: Clinton Will Be 'Infinitely Better' On Her Worst Day Than Any Republican On His Best

Bernie Sanders states the obvious when it comes to Hillary Clinton and the current crop of Republican presidential candidates.

Bernie Sanders states the obvious when it comes to Hillary Clinton and the current crop of Republican presidential candidates. While he's got his disagreements with the former Secretary of State, Sanders acknowledged the fact that she'd be miles above any of the current members of the GOP Clown Car.

From ABC's This Week:

STEPHANOPOULOS: You’ve also started to express your differences with Hillary Clinton more and more, but is it really right for you to tell "The Boston Globe", quote, "I disagree with Hillary Clinton on virtually everything"? Don’t your agreements far outweigh your disagreements?

SANDERS: Well, that’s -- well, the answer is yes and no. Yes, we do agree on a number of issues, and by the way, on her worst day, Hillary Clinton will be an infinitely better candidate and president than the Republican candidate on his best day. But having said that, we have very sigfnicant differences and the key difference is I see a nation in which we have a grotesque level of income and wealth inequality.

Almost all the new income and wealth is going to the top 1 percent. I see a political system which is corrupt, where super PACs are able to receive huge amounts of money from millionaires and billionaires. I think if you look at my history, and what I’m saying on this campaign, we need a political revolution. We need to stand up to the top 1 percent. We need to transform American politics and the way we do economics.

And by the way, George, if we may, we need to have a media more interested in the issues facing working class people and the middle class rather than political gossip.

So do I agree with Hillary Clinton on this or that issue? Of course I do. But I think on issues, for example, like Wall Street -- you know I believe that these guys who drove our economy into the ground, destroyed so many lives, I think that the end of the day, what we have to do is reestablish Glass-Steagall, we have to break up these huge financial institutions. That is not Hillary Clinton’s position at all.

You know, I was there on the TPP from way back, that was -- Hillary Clinton took a little while to get there.

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