Scarborough Attacks Fox Business For Knocking His Buddy Christie Out Of Main Debate

Joe Scarborough was none too happy with the Fox Business Channel for sending his buddy Chris Christie to the kid's table at their upcoming Republican presidential debate.

Joe Scarborough was none too happy with the Fox Business Channel for sending his buddy Chris Christie to the kid's table at their upcoming Republican presidential debate. Rather ironic coming from someone who spends about half his time on the air using one of the other meaningless poll to drive whatever right wing meme of the day he wants to push during their network coverage, isn't it?

The fact that we've got a never ending campaign season and that the television networks have as much influence over our political process as they do now, along with the obscene amount of money it takes to get elected is a much bigger problem than what polls one of the networks decides to use as a debate criteria.

Never mind that though. Here's Scarborough whining about how unfairly they're treating Christie: Scarborough Slams ‘Cherry Picked Beauty Pageant Polls’ Chosen for Fox Business Debate:

It is no secret that New Jersey Governor Chris Christie has an ally in 30 Rockefeller Center in the form of Morning Joe co-host Joe Scarborough. Christie is a frequent guest on the venerable MSNBC morning show, and on Friday Scarborough lashed out at the polls that Fox Business used to choose its upcoming debate criteria.

As we reported yesterday, Christie and former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee have ben relegated to the undercard debate for Tuesday night’s event after three straight performances with the prime players. This didn’t sit well with former GOP Congressman Scarborough, who tore apart Fox Business’ decision to include one particular poll which he deemed “historically inaccurate and bad.” Scarborough continued, “I really have no idea what the executives were thinking at Fox Business when they were putting the criteria together… this is pretty shocking.”

Scarborough continued:

This is the guy, as we would say in basketball, who’s got the hot hand… If people in Christie’s campaign might suggest there’s a conspiracy for some reason to keep him off the stage you would look at the polls that Fox Business chose — Investor Business Daily was rated as one of the worst in 2012, polls that had John McCain getting over 70% of the youth vote in 2012 over Barack Obama. It is historically inaccurate and bad, and it’s almost like they cherry picked the one poll to specifically keep Chris Christie off the stage.

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