Stephen Colbert Gives Thanks For Donald Trump

Stephen Colbert made a mockery of Trump pretending he can see into the future and his so-called "predictions" about Osama bin Laden.

I'd be laughing a little harder if all this fascist was doing was giving comedians like Stephen Colbert some late night comedy fodder. That said I am grateful the comedic relief when what passes for supposedly "straight news" looks more and more like something out of The Onion, due to one of our political parties having lost their damned minds.

As we already discussed here, Donald Trump screwed the pooch once again, and just made up stuff about seeing thousands of Muslims in New Jersey cheering the attacks on 9-11, and then changed his story but justified it by saying that he has "the world's best memory."

Colbert had a field day with that one, along with Trump pretending that he has the ability to see into the future, as he did when he claimed that he predicted that Osama bin Laden was going to be causing some trouble for the United States. As Colbert noted, who could have seen that coming?

COLBERT: That's right. He can't remember exactly where he saw that video, but he can remember that he has the world's greatest memory. And Trump doesn't just have a perfect memory of the past. When it comes to the terror threats facing our country, he can also see into the future.

Cue Trump claiming over and over again he predicted that Osama bin Laden was going to do "damage to our country."

COLBERT: Yes. Trump predicted that Osama bin Laden was threatening America all the way back in the year 2000, the same year bin Laden was linked to the bombing of the USS Cole and only two years after bin Laden was indicted for the embassy bombings in Tanzania and Kenya, and only seven years after bin Laden was implicated in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing.

That's spooky. It's like Trump has some kind of fifth sense that let's him see what's in newspapers and on TV.

After telling his audience that Nostra-Donald wasn't the only one with these predictive powers, Colbert made a few predictions of his own for the next year.

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