Sunday Morning Bobblehead Thread
Here's your lineup for this Sunday's talking head shows.

From the very talented Tom Tomorrow. Click here to view this week's entire comic strip on the GOP's dream debate format.
Back to the business at hand. Heaven forbid it looks like a few more Democrats than usual somehow managed to get booked on these Sunday talking head shows, and they gave us a break from Donald Trump polluting our airways and dialing it in on every single stinking show.
That said, the Democrats are still outnumbered, as always, and I'm quite sure there will be lots of fact-free, context-free fearmongering, accompanied by the usual revisionist history from the Republicans and their allies.
Here's this week's lineup from the Tampa Bay Times:
ABC This Week (Click to see when it's on in your area)
Big guests: President Barack Obama, Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., and former Maryland Gov. Martin O'Malley.
High on the agenda: Paris terrorist attacks and 2016 politics.
The pundit panel: Bill Kristol, Robert Reich, Ana Navarro and Stephanie Cutter.
NBC Meet the Press
Big guests: Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush.
High on the agenda: Paris terrorist attacks and 2016 politics.
The pundit panel: Jeff Greenfield, Andrea Mitchel, Jennifer Rubin and Eugene Robinson.
CNN State of the Union (9 a.m. EST)
Big guests: Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush and Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C.
High on the agenda: Paris terrorist attacks and 2016 politics.
The pundit panel: Mike Rogers, Robin Wright, Shadi Hamid and Jeremy Bash.
CBS Face the Nation (Click to see when it's on in your area)
Big guests: Sens. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., and Rand Paul, R-Ky.
High on the agenda: Paris terrorist attacks and 2016 politics.
The pundit panel: Jamelle Bouie, Ruth Marcus and Dan Balz.
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Fox News Sunday (Click to see when it's on in your area)
Big guest: Ben Carson.
High on the agenda: Paris terrorist attacks and 2016 politics.
The pundit panel: George Will, Peter Baker, Laura Ingraham and Charles Lane.