In Which Our Megyn Demands To Know If It's Right For Uppity Black Man To Stare Down A Cop

Hey, Megyn! Remember law school?

Let me remind you: Megyn Kelly is a lawyer. So of course she knows this protester is entitled to his First Amendment rights! But she has to find a lawyerly way to distract Fox's hardcore viewers and turn their attention to something else: namely, this rude, uppity black man, staring a cop in the face. The lack of manners. How inappropriate it all is.

After all, in the land of Fox, collective guilt and collusion are only for unrelated black people:

During a panel discussion on her show, Kelly interrupted when she saw an image of a man staring at a police officer in Chicago during the protests.

"I just want to jump in as we're seeing an extraordinary moment. Look what's happening here," Kelly said.

Former New York City police Commissioner Bernard Kerik told Kelly, "Listen, you're going to have guys like this. You know, they want to instigate."

Richard Fowler jumped in to protest Kerik's comment and said, "What is he instigating? Bernie, I'm sorry I've got to interrupt."

"But Richard look at him," Kelly responded. "This is a cop out there accused of doing nothing wrong, trying to keep the peace."

Fowler said that it was the protester's First Amendment right.

"This guy is having a silent protest with this police officer," he said.

"He gets right in his face and stares him down? This cop hasn't done anything wrong," Kelly replied.

"You think that's fine? You have no problem with this?" Kelly later asked Fowler after he maintained that the protester had a right to stare down the officer.

"This is his first amendment right. This biggest problem here is..." Fowler said in response.

"It's not a question of what his constitutional rights are. It's a question of what's appropriate," Kelly hit back.

Megyn, I realize your cozy little bubble is all about privilege and wealth and you might convince yourself you're above it all.

But even a cat may look at a king. Don't you forget it, missy.

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