Wingnut Michael Goodwin Says Obama Trusts No One But Himself

Another impervious-to-facts Republican escalates the stupid by demanding that President Obama lead or resign.

Yesterday's Real Story with Gretchen Carlson must have been looking for someone to reaffirm the lie that President Obama, who is not indiscriminately bombing at this time, is failing to lead. Of course, the feckless, now 'petulant' leader of the Free World is just arrogantly waffling. They are the same people who asked why he doesn't just go get these bastards? We all know that's horse puckey, but the average Fox 'News' viewer only sees graphics like this:

Credit: CLTV

New York Post writer Michael Goodwin, who also moonlights as a Fox 'News' Contributor, is reaffirming the misconceptions that the 'news' network loves to perpetrate: President Obama doesn't want to keep us safe, he's too 'stubborn' and won't listen to the generals, he surrounds himself with 'yes men,' and he wants to just pull out of every war, leaving a mess. This mess, although entirely the fault of the Bush Administration, is 100% attributed to this president. There's never been more disrespect or disdain expressed for a U.S. President than this one, and nobody hates as hard as Fox 'News.'

Both Goodwin and Carlson take everything the president said completey out of context.

While it's true President Obama did say that ISIS had been "contained," knowing the context of his statement is extremely crucial to understanding what he actually meant.

Here's what the president actually said:

'I don't think they're gaining strength. What is true is that from the start, our goal has been first to contain, and we have contained them. They have not gained ground in Iraq. And in Syria they'll come in, they'll leave. But you don't see this systematic march by ISIL across the terrain. What we have not yet been able to do is to completely decapitate their command and control structures. We've made some progress in trying to reduce the flow of foreign fighters.'

The point Gretchen and her chicken hawk guest are desperately trying to make is that our twice elected president is just a bad boy who doesn't follow orders. In other words, he's not a puppet whose strings are pulled (completely) by war profiteers, like his obsequious predecessor.

CARLSON: You point out what we've pointed out on this show numerous times: that he has never agreed with what the military has offered him up in their suggestions. From Iraq, to Afghanistan, to now; so is he going to change (behave)?

GOODWIN: Well look, I point out what Bob Gates says in his memoir that Obama just viewed Afghanistan in terms of getting out, he didn't trust his commanders, didn't trust his own thing, his own mission. He didn't give them the soldiers, so nobody trusts him. General Keane, as you mentioned, every time the Commanders asked for more troops, whether it be Iraq, Afghanistan, anything, Obama whittles them down. If they want 10,000 he offers them 3,000.

So, he doesn't trust anybody but himself, so when he says that people agree, he has a yes man chorus that he surrounds himself with who will tell him whatever he wants to hear. The truth is we hear from a lot of military commanders, when they leave, they are disgusted, they are demoralized and they are afraid for what is happening to this country.

What do we expect from these people? They've been calling him a feckless, arrogant Black man since 2007, and they will through January, 2017 and beyond. They want a president who behaves like GOP women and minorities who know their place.

Keep in mind that these are the same people who berate the president, or any Democrat for that matter, for the national debt. These wars have created huge liabilities, but that doesn't matter if there's a GOP War Hawk in the White House. Fox has to propagate the stereotype that Black people don't listen to the nice generals and spend money on ridiculous things, like responsibly accounting for defense expenditures. How dare he!

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