Detroit Free Press: 'We Stand Together' Against Bigotry
The Detroit Free Press denounces Donald Trump in a front page editorial.
A short excerpt from the lengthy editorial in today's Detroit Free Press:
America’s Muslim community has its deepest roots here in southeast Michigan, home to more Middle East immigrants than any other part of the country.
For more than a century, our Muslim friends and neighbors chose Detroit for the good jobs the auto industry provided, the economic opportunity those jobs afforded, and a diverse community built by generations of immigrants.
From Poland, from Ireland, from Italy and Germany and Africa, from the Middle East and all corners of the world, we've come together to build a community complex in layered tradition, of such depth and richness that newcomers can comfortably live two stories: The homeland need not be forgotten for the promise of American opportunity to take hold.
From many, we are one. And we are better for the variance and unity among us.
So when Donald Trump says America should close its borders to Muslim immigrants, he’s not just attacking a fundamental American strength.
He’s attacking us — our community, our neighbors, the rich, diverse fabric that makes up southeast Michigan.
Trump’s goal is political, and craven — near-universal outcry from across the political spectrum reinforces his identity as an outsider, and every criticism proves to supporters that Trump is a man who'll say what others fear to speak.
And so we were reluctant to lend this institution's voice to a denunciation that might further Trump's cause.
But some slurs are so heinous that they must be answered. And some lies are so vile that they become dangerous if not met with truth, and strength.
Trump's indictment of Muslims en masse is nothing more than rank bigotry and racism, a reach back to the darkest chapters of America's history and a betrayal of the founding principles of our nation.