Forbes On Fox: Clinton 'The Grinch' For Attacking Trickle Down Economics

Gotta love the Fox News disclaimer: Don't sue us if you follow our horrible advice and lose your shirt.

In case you've never had the misfortune of watching, Forbes on Fox, it is a show created by the 1% that instructs the reich wing 99%, who think they are on the cusp of becoming the 1%, why we should give the super rich more tax cuts. It explains how the Kenyan Usurper and his Hillary Clinton cohort are trying to take all your hard-earned cash away and give it to Black and Brown people. In other words, the show isn't at all a colossal waste of time.

I found it very amusing that the show comes with a disclaimer, which basically asserts that if you follow the advice or opinions of the pundits involved, they cannot be responsible for what happens next. Almost a minute into the segment, the message from the legal department scrolls onscreen.

This program contains the strong opinions of its participants which are not a reflection of the opinions of either Forbes or Fox News and should not be relied upon as investment advice when making personal investment decisions.

Allow me to translate: We can't be responsible for all the lies we spew. It's what we do, so you can't sue.

Steve Forbes took a moment to express his partisan hatred by calling President Obama and Hillary Clinton the real Grinches, who

deserve lumps of coal for their war on hydrocarbons,

they have lied to us like naughty little boys and girls about that Poitifact pretend 'lie' of the year regarding the if you like your insurance, you can keep your insurance, provided it doesn't 'suck ass' and leave you high and dry when you are in dire straights. Oh, and the worst recovery was not all caused by your buddy, George W. Bush, lest you forget, it was President Obama, as RW Billionaire Amnesia has struck Steve Forbes in a terrible way. The level of nauseating disrespect and disdain for two accomplished individuals like our president and Secretary Clinton was quite unbearable. Let's face it, his attack was as successful as his presidential campaign back in 1996 and 2000 which made him such a household name.

Bruce Japsen lends a moment of sanity with his pronouncement that the Republicans would do nothing to help 'WhoVille' but his opinion is glossed over quickly. Mike Ozanian defends the Cruz advertisement as perfectly acceptable, how dare anyone go after the children instructed by their conniving father to directly attack another candidate.

The cavalcade of anti-Democratic, pro-trickle down economic shysters kept insisting that the moronic acolytes of the Reagan Era who espouse Bruce Bartley's Seven Fat Years book of fictional financial gobbledygook, claimed that the bottom 20% did as well as the top 20% in the St. Ronnie years. That's because TAXES are bad for everyone. Who in their right mind needs firefighters and roads, bridges and or traffic signals. That's dirty hippie liberal nonsense.

Asman asks Sheffield her opinion on redistribution. They don't make real Christmas presents, they redistribute them. It's her poor generation that is suffering thanks to all those old people who paid into Social Security who deserve their money, but don't ask one of these bimbos like Sheffield or Michelle Fields. Selfishness is the only virtue that matters.

Margaret Thatcher was the greatest person ever and Hillary Clinton and President Obama just want everyone to be poor. How dare they put things like the cost of wars on the books. Who does that? Fiscally responsible people? In other words, NOT REPUBLICANS.

According to the disclaimer, this advice should not only be taken with an entire salt mine, but should also never be watched on an empty stomach, or without sufficient alcohol to counter the deleterious effects. Carrie Sheffield and Mike Ozanian simply adore that swell fella, Ted Cruz. He's just a great guy who's as likable as a hemorrhoid on Limbaugh's huge ass. In their infinitely sagacious perspective, he's got big things coming down the pike, making the U.S. into a giant fundamentalist, Teabagging clusterf#*k.

What a bunch of selfish morons. I wish there was a way to prevent people like this from using paved roads, firefighter services and keep them from having access to clean water. It would serve them all right.

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